Hampton School has a strong and lively tradition of Religious Studies and Philosophy. It plays a crucial role in supporting the Hampton ethos and pupils find the academic courses we teach both broad-reaching and relevant to the society in which they live.
Pupils are encouraged to learn about, and from, a wide variety of religious and philosophical perspectives, and are able to develop a greater understanding of the beliefs of others, as well as a greater appreciation for the richness of various cultures and traditions. They will also have the opportunity to explore some of the big questions, by evaluating arguments and coming to understand their own beliefs more deeply.
With six subject specialists, Religious Studies and Philosophy is taught at all levels in the School; from the broad and stimulating exploration of religion and big questions in the Lower School to the detailed study of philosophy and theology in the Sixth Form. In the Sixth Form, we offer AS and A Level courses in Religious Studies.
The Department offers a course in ‘Life Issues’ to all Fourth Year pupils which is taught alongside the School’s Mindfulness and Wellbeing & Resilience programmes.
To enhance the boys’ studies the Department organises a range of trips to different places of worship and to other places of interest. The School also offers many trips abroad, which allow boys opportunities to experience different religions and cultures first hand.
We have a suite of dedicated classrooms and a ‘Quiet Room’, which is situated away from the bustle of the corridors and classrooms and offers an opportunity for boys to reflect in their own time. The ‘Quiet Room’ is also used by the various faith groups at the School.