Hampton School is one of the pioneers of Mindfulness practice in education.
We introduced Mindfulness in 2008 and use the Mindfulness in Schools Project’s (MiSP) course which is specifically aimed at introducing Mindfulness to teenagers in schools and designed to encourage and support the flourishing of young minds. We have six qualified Mindfulness teachers at Hampton.
Mindfulness is introduced as part of the Fourth Year curriculum alongside a course in Well-being and Resilience that has been written by one of our Deputy Head, Mr Mark Nicholson.
Mindfulness techniques help build confidence, well-being and focus, enabling all pupils to flourish.
They help us to recognise our inner critic and balance this with more discernment and kindness towards ourselves. With this often comes more confidence as well as encouraging top performances academically and in sport.
Boys involved in music, drama and public speaking also follow the practices from the course allowing them to deliver exceptional performances on stage.
Hampton staff are also all offered the opportunity to attend a Mindfulness Course. To date, demand has been so strong that we run a continual programme of staff courses as part of our committment to support the well-being of all elements of our School community.