The Classics Department at Hampton is busy, fun and thriving. The department consists of six teachers who all inspire and enthuse through their teaching of Latin, Greek and Ancient History.
All boys at Hampton study Latin in the first two years, with a good number continuing to GCSE and A Level with great success. Greek becomes an option in the Third Year while Ancient History is offered in the Fourth Year. Both of these can then be studied to GCSE and A Level. Extension lessons are available for all pupils considering studying a Classical subject at university and we are fortunate that our teachers offer an insight into many different disciplines of the subject such as history, literature, philosophy and drama.
A study of Classics, at whatever level, encompassing as it does history, language, literature, philosophy and archaeology (to name just a few of its hydra-like disciplines) helps to sharpen the rational faculties and broaden one’s social, moral and cultural horizons.
Aims of Classics Department
- To provide high quality teaching of Latin, Greek and Ancient History
- To promote an interest in, and knowledge and understanding of, the civilisations of which these two seminal European languages are the expression
- To foster a better understanding of the world we live in today
In First to Third Year we introduce Latin with the Cambridge Latin Course. For those pupils who continue to study Latin at GCSE, we use the John Taylor’s Latin to GCSE for language work, as well as studying prose and verse literature (for example Caesar, Tacitus and Virgil). In the Sixth Form we run both AS and A Level courses, again studying literature and language. At all levels, Hampton School use the OCR exam board.
In Third Year, Gratin (Greek combined with Latin) is offered as a subject. For those pupils who continue to study Gratin at GCSE, they will take their Latin GCSE at the end of the Fourth Year and their Ancient Greek exam in Fifth Year. As with Latin, both language and literature are studied at GCSE, AS and A Level. At all levels, Hampton School use the OCR exam board.
Ancient History
Ancient History is a GCSE option available to Fourth Year pupils. There are Greek and Roman modules, which focus on the following:
- Period studies focus on the birth of the Roman Republic and the Persian Empire
- Depth studies focus on the influence of characters such as Alexander the Great and Cleopatra
Pupils can choose to study A Level Ancient History whether or not they have taken the subject at GCSE. At all levels, Hampton School use the OCR exam board.