The School dress code applies at all times between setting off from home in the morning and returning there in the evening. The full dress code applies for sports fixtures.
First to Fifth Years
All boys are required to wear clean and tidy clothing as listed below:
A white shirt and the School tie. The shirt must be tucked in and the tie must cover the top button of the shirt, which should be done up.
A School blazer which should not be taken off without permission (except when playing outside).
Dark grey formal trousers not denim.
Black formal shoes cleaned regularly and black or dark grey socks (you are not allowed to wear trainers).
Pullovers should be black with a V-neck (no sweatshirts).
Boys must not wear hairstyles deemed by the School to be extreme, facial hair (unless for religious reasons) or jewellery. Hair must not be dyed an unnatural colour.
The Sixth Form
Sixth Form boys are required to wear dark business suits; this must include, a formal shirt (no ‘lumberjack’-style checked shirts) and a School tie. Pullovers should be plain, sober-coloured and V-necked, with the tie visible. Jackets should be worn around the School.