Third Year Blog – 16.03.18

Hello and welcome to this week’s bumper edition of the Third Year blog. Lots to talk about this week, starting with some creativity in English…

Rap Artist

Louis Middleton (3E) wrote and performed his very first rap this week, on sympathy for the Jewish moneylender Shylock in The Merchant of Venice, much to the amusement and enjoyment of his classmates. Miss Teunissen hopes that many literary-themed raps will follow and thinks that students should recognise that rap is a modern art form!

Headmaster’s Merit Certificates

Well done to all of the boys who have received enough merits to warrant a Headmasters Certificate this term. They should all go to the Headmaster’s study on Monday at break to collect Headmaster’s Merit Certificates:

  • Samaksh Agarwal
  • Ethan Clapham
  • Sam Colvine
  • Ben Francis
  • Rizwan Hatimi
  • Luke Jansen
  • Jai Saha
  • Ben Strong
  • Abhinand Sundaram
  • Rohan Vasudev
  • Kyle Seth
  • Nayaaz Hashim
  • William Fryer

Creative Writing Awards

Well done to all Third Year boys who entered the Creative Writing Awards 2018. The competition reached its climax yesterday as writer Saci Lloyd judged the finalist’s entries for an awards ceremony having delivered workshops to the boys involved earlier in the day. The results for the Intermediate category were as follows:


Ben H (3E)

Alex U (3J)


Theo R (4C)

Congratulations to Ben and Alex for their superb achievement… and for representing the Third Year so well in this competition!

Form Charity

Next week is a busy one for Form Charity. Events that Third Year boys can look forward to are as follows:

Monday – 12.40pm – 1.10pm – University Challenge Quiz – Staff v Boys (Hammond Theatre) – £1 entry

Mr Hitchings writes: In the Hammond Theatre on Monday at 12.40, a team of Sixth Form All-Stars will test their general knowledge against their own Sixth Form Tutors, in a classic clash of youth against experience. Pay £1 to Form Charity to see Owain Bates, Sam Millward, Fred Spence and Alfie Watkins take on Ms Buckley, Mr Doyle, Miss Field and Mr Lee in what critics are calling “the most eagerly-anticipated quiz match of the Hampton School calendar”.

Thursday – 10:55am – Charity Bake Sale (covered area outside the North Gym) – Sixth Formers are baking cakes and cookies – poster attached.

Friday – Half Day Mufti Day – whole school – £1 donation.

So, please remember to bring a little cash into School with you next week in order to take part and enjoy all these charity events.

Literature Quiz

Mrs Colvine was very impressed with the group of Third Year boys who took part in the Kingston Borough Inter-Borough Literature Quiz last week. Sandy M, Samuel C, Mohammed H, Jack E and Oliver P-B are all deserving of credit. Mrs Colvine wants to say a big thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment to the Lit Quiz. She knows how busy you all are and very much appreciated you giving up your free time to read the three set text. Well done for a creditable fourth place finish lads. The team also came top in the set texts rounds, which is a fantastic result. Well done boys.

Latin stars!

Miss Jacobs commends Shiv T and Luke M who have been amazing in Latin the past two lessons. They’ve been doing the teaching of a bit of new grammar to the rest of the class and they’ve been awesome at it. They did everything brilliantly – explaining, demonstrating on the board, motivating the boys, encouraging them, helping them with misunderstandings, reminding them of things they already knew, setting work, generally doing everything teachers do….. and next lesson they’ll be marking too! They’ve had 2 merits each – well deserved boys!

Maths Olympiad

Several Third Year boys sat the Intermediate Maths Olympiad this Thursday afternoon.

Daniel M
Pallav B
Sandy M
Josh J
Luke J
Tom Olby

Hope it went well chaps!


A huge ‘well done’ to all of the boys who raced yesterday. They conducted themselves excellently and were great ambassadors for both the Boat Club and indeed the School. I was particularly struck by the maturity that they showed in dealing with the arduous process of boating and marshalling, and the efficient manner in which we got the equipment loaded on the trailer at the end of the day (despite being exhausted after their exertions).

On the water, the boys rowed with great determination, and it was incredible to see the A octuple place 2nd, the B octuple 7th, the C octuple 3rd, the D octuple 1st and the E octuple 1st in their respective categories. As a group of coaches, we felt enormously proud to be one of just two schools with five crews competing, showing the strength in depth of our squad.

Unfortunately, the fixture with Radley this week has been postponed until Thursday 19 April, due to the high stream conditions on their stretch of river.

Fantasy Six Nations Update

Congratulations to Shane Bowden for being the highest scoring boy in Round 4 of the Third Year 6 Nations League – edible prize is waiting in the HoY Office! There is only one weekend left – all will be decided on Super Saturday. Will anyone be able to topple Mr Studt from the throne? Rumour has it that he is already writing his acceptance speech, of course generously donating the prize to the first boy.


Rank Team Manager MDP Points
1 Studt’s Studs Mr Studt 81 364
2 5 Pressup Penalties Shane Bowden 75 343
3 Ball Hogg Ethan Knight 63 317
4 London Dutch Thomas Ketel 61 307
5 Neo’s kiddos Neo Sukhraj-Hammerl 64 303
6 Smith’s soldiers victoria smith 52 292
7 Jay’s Lightning Jay Hothi 50 290
8 Class on Grass Paskin Luke 54 287
9 Will’s Lions William Simpson 55 283
10 I’ll win Alfie Simonds-Gooding 61 270
11 The special ones… Ollie Hartley 55 265
12 Ptolemy Wallace-Jones Ptolemy Wallace-Jones 70 263
13 Sam’s cool people Sam Walker 47 262
14 Ben Freer ben freer 45 261
15 max s Maximilian Schaefer 62 239
16 Freddie Seddon XV Freddie Seddon 42 225
17 Ollies Wollies Ollie Verny White 61 220
18 Faletau’s followers Sam Brewster 69 218
19 Colvine’s Kings Sam Colvine 70 215
20 Rigby’s Ruckers Tom Rigby 51 212



Rank Team Manager Points
1 Studt’s Studs Mr Studt 81
2 5 Pressup Penalties Shane Bowden 75
3 Ptolemy Wallace-Jones Ptolemy Wallace-Jones 70
3 Colvine’s Kings Sam Colvine 70
5 Faletau’s followers Sam Brewster 69
6 Benedict Pearce Benedict Pearce 66
7 Neo’s kiddos Neo Sukhraj-Hammerl 64
8 Ball Hogg Ethan Knight 63
9 max s Maximilian Schaefer 62
10 I’ll win Alfie Simonds-Gooding 61
10 Ollies Wollies Ollie Verny White 61
10 London Dutch Thomas Ketel 61
13 Will’s Lions William Simpson 55
13 The special ones… Ollie Hartley 55
15 Tallman’s Tanks Jack Talman 54
15 Class on Grass Paskin Luke 54
17 Smith’s soldiers victoria smith 52
18 Rigby’s Ruckers Tom Rigby 51
19 Jay’s Lightning Jay Hothi 50
20 Sam’s cool people Sam Walker 47
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