Welcome to the Third Year Blog!

It’s been another jam-packed week for the Third Year here at Hampton School, which kicked off with us enjoying a cornucopia of tasty baked goods from Interform baking: brownies, cinnamon buns, cookies, flapjacks, biscuits, cupcakes… the list goes on! Sport has continued apace, and the STEM Fair is around the corner, with Third Years putting together projects on the moon, electric air travel and…bicycle indicators! More to follow in next week’s edition. Next week will also see Zaid A and Aleksander L competing in the UK Linguistics Olympiad – we wish them the best of luck! For the moment though, we wish everyone a restful weekend as we build up the energy reserves ready for the final push to half term!

Heads of Year Message

What a lot of cakes! We are so pleased that the Interform Bake-Off Challenge captured the imaginations (and appetites!) of Third Year boys last weekend, and the resulting feast on Monday was a welcome start to the week.

No Limits Week

Next week is “No Limits” week for First to Third Year.

While many boys are already involved in the wide range of activities on offer, the aim of the week is to give pupils the opportunity to move out of their comfort zone and to challenge themselves with something new.  Perhaps a fresh passion or interest will grow in an activity they had not previously considered. Boys will be asked to try three clubs or activities during the week that they don’t usually attend. They will each receive an activity card at the start of the week, which they should get signed by the member of staff running each new club or society they attend. Please encourage your son to check the Co-curricular Guide in advance, so they can plan their week.


End of Year Exams

Third Year exam week will take place from 23 – 27 May 2022. This is the week before the summer half term holiday. We do not expect pupils to begin their revision this far in advance, but hope this information is useful for planning purposes. Study skills guidance will be given to all Third Years ahead of the Easter holidays and during the first half of the summer term.

Welcoming a new Assistant Head of Year

We are delighted to welcome Mr Lees (t.lees@hamptonschool.org.uk) to the Third Year pastoral team. He will begin his new role as Assistant Head of Third Year with immediate effect. He is looking forward to working with and supporting Third Year pupils.

Covid testing & precautions

Face coverings are now only required to be worn by pupils (unless exempt) whilst they are on school coaches, although all members of the school community are welcome to wear one if they prefer.

Please continue with the programme of self-administered asymptomatic LFD testing at regular intervals (twice a week) at home. The latest batch of LFD test kits should have arrived home this week, but please request one if required. A reminder that boys must not attend the School site if:

  • they have symptoms of Covid-19 (a raised temperature; a new persistent cough; a change in sense of taste or smell)
  • they have received a positive Covid-19 test result

If you require more LFD tests, please request a test kit by emailing testing@hamptonschool.org.uk.

If your son tests positive, please complete the relevant Firefly form linked here.


For medical absences, please notify your son’s Form Tutors via email (cc’ing absence@hamptonschool.org.uk) on the morning of each day of absence by 8:45am.

For planned absences and appointments, please contact Heads of Year requesting the absence with as much notice as possible.

Boys – Please let us, your Form Tutors or the relevant subject teachers know if you have any difficulties. Have a lovely weekend!

Best wishes

Mr T Rigby & Miss V Smith

Sports Round up

Hampton School Rugby U14A vs Whitgift School

By Freddie L (3J)

The game started with intensity from both sides, showing aggression and an energetic start. Throughout the first five minute period it was a tug of war to see who would start the scoring. Eventually a Whitgift winger broke the Hampton line of defence scoring the first try of the day, with the conversion the score was 7-0 with Hampton on the back foot. We regrouped and discussed new tactics for the match, however this did not impact us, as our losing mentality made us concede a second within seconds of the first. Half time came with Hampton losing 14-0 and our heads were down.

We came into the second half with a strong, fierce demeanour knowing we had to step up if we wanted a chance to win the game. The first 10 minutes of the second half passed and Hampton had Whitgift on their try line under serious pressure. Whitgift however jackaled the ball at the ruck and their winger was again in open space on the wing, a great cross field kick was launched up the field and the winger caught and ran for the corner. The score 21-0 and we were really disappointed. We got back on the field and played for pride. This charge came to a halt as the opposition scored again. 26-0 – could we get a try? Well, Will S did a beautiful dummy on the last play combined with amazing footwork to run past the team and get a score on the board for Hampton. The end result being a sad 26-7 defeat for Hampton.

Hampton School Football U14C vs Abingdon

By Joseph G (3A)

Hampton U14C team made the long journey to Abingdon School in Oxford, with a small but solid squad. The U14Cs began with intent, applying pressure to the opposition’s defence. After good play in the midfield, the ball found its way to debutant Dante Patel, who laid the ball off to Hampton’s star, Billy Wilkinson, who produced a brilliant finish from wide into the bottom corner.

A wave of Abingdon attacks followed, with the defensive duo of Alasdair McIntosh and Connor Hendricks stifling them, and another debutant, Pedro Canas Molteni, performing excellent defensively. A couple of saves were also produced by starting goalkeeper Joseph Gordon. However, the game paused for its half-time interval, and Hampton were left unharmed, with a 1-0 lead.

Hampton switched ends and ‘keepers, and were ready for the second half. Both teams tried to get control of the game, and Hampton seemed on top, until a lapse in concentration cost them their clean sheet, with miscommunication between defender and ‘keeper. With the game levelled up, the momentum was with Abingdon, and not long after their first goal, a pass back from a Hampton defender was picked up by Hampton’s second ‘keeper, giving Abingdon an indirect free kick, which was taken again after the referee called for a retake. The retake ended up in the back of the net.

Close to the end of the game, a darting run from Wilkinson was followed up with an excellent finish from him, at a tight angle. Hampton were filled with the motivation to win the game. Nonetheless, the U14Cs were all over the place now, and a break in formation cost them late on after an over the top ball was tapped into Hampton’s goal. A late goal from Wilkinson was disallowed because of a foul, leaving the final score as 3-2 to the home side. As the referee blew the final whistle, Hampton were left frustrated, but also knew that there were ways to improve.

Club of the Week

This week’s Club of the Week is Art Club, which Lewis W (3D) is going to tell us about:

Art Club is run by Mr Bannister and is a club in which you can create any piece of art you want to. It takes place on Tuesday at the start of lunch, and only finishes at 1:10pm, so if you have a lot of time at lunch and want to take part in a club, but still want to have time on the 3G, Art Club is for you. There are also different competitions you can take part in. For example, I just finished a drawing I was working on with a friend for the Global Canvas competition which was about the environment. Overall, I really enjoy Art Club, and I recommend it to everyone because there are no restrictions on what you can or can’t make. I especially recommend that you come with a friend, so you have someone to work with and talk to.

Thanks Lewis! It sounds like if you fancy yourself as a Van Gogh or Emin, a Hirst or Kahlo, here’s your opportunity to give it a go!

Lower School Art Exhibition

Talking of Art, if you’ve walked through the Art Gallery space this week, you’ll have seen some impressive artistic creations in the Lower School Art Exhibition. From stunning sculptures to creative lino cuts, have a closer look when you’re next in the Art Department. Mrs Williams tells us more:

National Storytelling Week

This week has been National Storytelling Week and after The Writers’ Room featured as last week’s club of the week a number of Third Years have been along to hone their creative writing skills – Ben R (3J) tells us about his story ideas:

We’ve also heard from a number of different teachers and pupils about their favourite book:

Tasty Treats

It was great to see the vast array of baked goodies in our Third Year Forms on Monday. Unfortunately, by the time our photographer got there, there wasn’t much left!

Form 3B were our runaway Bake Off winners with 26 points! Well done also to 3C and 3D who finished second and third, respectively.

Maths With a Difference

Some of our Third Year Mathematicians had a lesson with a difference earlier this week, as they studied graphical inequalities in Mr Haynes’ class. In order to practice their straight line drawing and inequality shading, the boys turned the classroom into a giant cartesian plane with axes taped out on the floor, and took on the role of coordinate points themselves!

LGBT History Month

The Hampton Pride flag has been flying over the school this week to celebrate the start of LGBT History Month! A reminder that the Pride Society meets on a Thursday at 12:35pm in the Quiet Room in the RS Tower today. Whether you identify as LGBTQ+ or simply wish to support as an Ally, you will be very welcome!

Unsilenced: Celebrating Women Composers

You are warmly invited to join us on Friday 11 February at 4.30pm for a special concert to round off this busy half term. ‘Unsilenced’ is a concert honouring music written by women composers, most of whom have been unfairly neglected through history solely because of their gender.

We hope you are able to join us for this very special event involving a number of pianists, some guest instrumentalists and also some poetry written by women writers.

Tickets are free and can be reserved here.

Connection Corner

Last week’s Connection Corner saw 25 correct answers, complete with the correct connection, with bragging rights going yet again to 3G with 6 correct answers. Can any other form topple them from their perch??

Elias P, Will M, Orly F, Joseph B, Johnny H, Ambar C, Oscar P, Sam B, Aaryan D, Arun D, Ian K, Viren A, Ed M, Avi B, Zaidan A, Pedro CM, Ralph Y, Monty S, Oliver D, Joshi RdM, Alex R, Thomas W-M, Leo M, Trivikram P and Rohan L can all collect a merit from their form tutor. Let’s see how you get on this week…

Oops! We could not locate your form.

In case you’re still perplexed, here are last week’s answers:

The beaches used for the D-Day landings on 6th June 1944 were codenamed Utah, Omaha, Juno and Sword – what was the fifth beach called? (Answer: Gold)

What is the name of the planet closest to the sun in our solar system? (Answer: Mercury)

In the human circulatory system, red blood cells use haemoglobin to transport what from the lungs to the rest of the body? (Answer: Oxygen)

Which “man” is played by Robert Downey Jr. in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? (Answer: Ironman)

Connection: Elements

Have a great weekend!

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