Well done to all First Years for finishing the assessment week! Hopefully next week’s break will give you all an opportunity to relax after a busy half term and come back in just over a week’s time with plenty of energy for the exciting final weeks of the year. Next half term will bring plenty of interesting lessons (yes, you will still be learning even though the assessments are done!) fun trips, activities and interform competitions before the year is over. But first, time for a break – and a very well-deserved one for everyone! Safe travels to everyone heading out on a trip, including the 30 First Years who are off to Dorset this afternoon, and enjoy a wonderful week off everyone!
Bingo! The assessment week has finally come to its end and many of us are exhausted from a jammed-packed week filled with assessments. Well done to everyone for getting past their first ever assessment week! Now it’s time to get geared up for a well-earned rest and get planning on what you’re going to do throughout the holidays. Everyone should take this opportunity to reset and prepare to return for our final term of First Year (I can’t believe it!), full of zest. I’m looking forward to our last term for many reasons; lessons will be a bit more fun, more time to enjoy the lovely weather and lastly, the HPL (Hampton Premier League). The HPL is going to be a thrilling and enjoyable tournament, which I’m sure, for those who play cricket, are very much looking forward to it. Finally, have an amazing half-term everybody!
By Riyaan G (1B)
It’s assessment week. A busy week filled with assessments, interform athletics, tennis, cricket and softball. My first day of assessment week, I had Physics, then English and finally the best of all of them: Athletics. Our team for the hurdles were extremely excited and happiness for our form started quite quickly. Our C team player started off zooming and jumping rapidly. And delight for our form as we came first. After that all the other events began, I did the vortex event. After doing my event, I saw my friends do other events such as shot put and the relay races. Finally, athletics ended with a 50-metre relay. Then news came about our scores on Tuesday. We came fifth out of seven forms. I was happy but thought we could do better, but it didn’t matter on the scores; it mattered how much fun we had. Over the period of the other four days, I found assessment week increasingly calm, having ups and some down but it was an effective way of improving my knowledge.
By Shaurya D (1L)
The season unfortunately began with our first game against RGS High Wycombe which ended in a 7-1 defeat. This didn’t stop us, and we kept our head high into the next game, until we underestimated our opponents and suffered another 10-2 defeat. This continued happening right up till half term, where we approached our last fixture before the October half term. This was a tri-fixture at St George’s Weybridge, meaning two shorter games against two other schools. We believed we could win this, and we were feeling confident after the numerous Friday games sessions. The whistle blew and before we knew it, it was all over. Lead by captain Charlie F, we had won both games! This put everyone in a great mood, and our earlier losses were forgotten.
The new year arrived, and we were determined to push on from last term. We began with narrow defeats against Tiffin and St John’s Leatherhead before playing Radnor House on a Friday afternoon. Having seen so much improvement in our training and approach to rugby we knew that we could find another win. This was achieved with a 45-40 win over Radnor House, with notable mentions to Freddie F and Toby B who both scored several tries between them with their strong carrying. This set us up well for the remaining games of the season. The team was led well during this term by Alex P, Jamie R and Toby B.
In our penultimate game against Reeds College, we started the game slowly and allowed them a 35-10 lead early into the second half. But we rallied well as a team and consolation tries from Jaibir G and Jamie R took us within touching distance. In the final few minutes of the game, we were able to score a couple of tries from Toby B and Alex P to ensure that we ended the game with a 35-35 draw. A close encounter and a huge improvement from our first game of the season. Many boys who had just started rugby in September were now playing significant roles in the team.
We have loved being in the U12B squad this season, and many of us who have never played the sport before will almost certainly choose to do rugby next year. Thank you to Mr Fakatou, Miss Singleton and all the rugby coaches that supported both the A team and B team this year.
Every week, the First Year Tutor team nominate a boy who they have been particularly impressed with, and Mr Fuldner and Mr Hill provide him with a football to use on the fields for the week!
This week’s tutee of the week is Arjan C (1L) for keeping a positive attitude, always being helpful and volunteering without asking, and for displaying an inquisitive nature for learning; well done Arjan!
We love to hear about what you have been getting up to outside of school and to celebrate your successes in the First Year Blog! Please do send any information about any of your achievements through to Mr Fuldner (d.fuldner@hamptonschool.org.uk).
Wyatt M (1B) plays competitive baseball and played in several tournaments abroad in April; his London Archers team was a winner in Belgium, runner-up in Barcelona, and bowed out in the semi-final in the Netherlands. He has a few more tournaments coming up and will even be representing Team GB in the summer, so good luck Wyatt!
Jayen L (1B) took part in the ‘Play Your Way To Wimbledon’ venue stage event last weekend and after winning all five of his singles matches he qualified to the Singles County Finals which will take place in July – congratulations Jayen and good luck!
Each week I will set you a challenge where you need to find out a random fact, number or indeed anything else around the School – you won’t be able to do this from home! Points for the interform competition will be awarded to the Form with the most correct entries over the course of the term! You have until the end of Wednesday to complete the challenge; you will find out in next week’s blog if you’re correct, and you will be given a merit by your Form Tutor the following Monday. And who knows – you might get to know the School better in the process!
Last week’s challenge: what shape has an infinite perimeter but finite area? Look in the department you’d expect to find the answer!
The mural in the Maths department included the answer: a Koch snowflake!
Well done to Uzair A V, Harry C, Shaurya D, Rey J, Bruno E H, Jack M, Yousuf H, Yule C, Sasha B, Ethan W, Arjan C, Alex dV, Thomas P, Vivaan S, Avyaya S, Vairaj M, Nicholas S, Ruaan V, Sebastian M, William H, Ridhaan G, Aman C, Naivedya A, Rayan A, Joseph G, Alex P, Caesar C, Ollie S, Ian L, Liangxu Z, Rishi K and Matthew T.
This week’s challenge: you don’t need to be in school for this one!
which zoo are we off to with the Biology department in June?
Use the website if you’re not sure!
Enter your answers here: