Welcome to the Second Year Blog!

This week is British Science Week so to honour the occasion we have made this blog about all things Science, from brilliant Biology lessons to phenomenal Physics Club! This Monday’s assembly started with a talk from Mr Clark where he told us all the quotation by Physicist Richard Feynman: ‘I simply enjoy the pleasure of finding things out’. The talk was both entertaining and informative, I learnt some things about both cricket and physics that I didn’t know before!

It is also Neurodiversity Celebration Week, thank you to Ms Conway for her motivating and educational talk. We saw a presentation of a range of successful and inspirational famous names who are also neurodiverse – it’s displayed on some of the screens around School, so keep an eye out!

Not long until the end of term, so keep up the good work and try your hardest in next week’s Interform Football and Rugby competition – good luck to everyone involved and most importantly, have fun!

Merit Milestones

Another bumper week for merits! Well done to the following Second Years:

Grigory Dobrynin – 10

Ishaan Arora – 20

Charlie East – 20

Zen Nicola – 30

Atulya Sahi – 30

Tolu Idowu – 30

Krishang Toprani – 30

Oliver Champkin – 40

Farhan Aroos – 40

Henry Wood – 40

Lorenzo Ingrassia – 50 (super!)

Kiran Grover – 50 (fabulous!)

Ethan Price – 50 (tremendous!)

Aadam Khan – 50 (fantastic!)

Freddie Turnbull – 50 (wonderful!)

James Phillips – 50 (awesome!)

James Phillips – 60 (2 in a week!)

Rory McEwan – 80 (impressive!)

Theo Liang – 90 (outstanding!)

Tutor Question Time!

This week the pupils wanted to know what the form tutors favourite season is?


Summer: Miss Tiller, Mrs Hill, Mr Worrall, Mr VA, Miss Bryant, Mrs Owen, Mrs Holt, Mr Hooper and all of 2W!

Autumn: Ms O’Connor


I think summer is a very clear winner this week… nothing to do with the holidays I’m sure….!

Have you ever had a burning question you’ve always wanted to ask your form tutors, like: Which do you prefer – dogs or cats? Chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Then please send your suggestions for next week’s Tutor Question Time to .


Science and … cricket?

On Monday assembly, Mr Clark revealed to us what would happen if a cricket ball travelled at 90% of the speed of light. Apparently, it would lead to a heated plasma ball and a very big explosion. Everyone burst out laughing, and I could see Mr Knibbs joining in. Then, it was revealed that the ball would actually count as a no ball and not count anyway! It has inspired us to ask our own big science question: how many pigs could we fit into the classroom S2? We estimated the height of the room by using Dom N (2L) and then researched the average height of a domestic pig. We thought stacks of seven pigs would fill the classroom height with four stacks wide and seven stacks long. Roughly, we worked it out to be 196 pigs. But we still had some big questions to answer: would they lie down or stack on top of each other? What happens if the room is not empty as we’re imagining?! Next step to test our theory: get 196 pigs!

If there are any Physics teachers (or parents keen on Physics) reading this, please help us figure out how many pigs would fit with the furniture and projector! Thank you!

By Umair (2L) and Rory M (2B)

Second Year Performance Evenings

A reminder that next week is the Second Year performance evenings – the pupils have been working incredibly hard in their lessons and I know they are so excited for you to see their versions of Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes. Kai (2L) tells us more:

During our drama lessons, we have been practising our adaptation of Snow White. This entertaining, comedic variation of one of the classic children’s stories is a must see, with many laughs and smiles guaranteed. Everyone that can come should, as it will be an unforgettable experience that you will remember fondly forever. This play is suitable for anyone who wants to see it, and we encourage as many people as possible to come and enjoy the show. 

Monday 20 March – 7pm
Cinderella (2B – Whole Form Group)
Jack and the Beanstalk (2F)
Little Red Riding Hood (2H)
Three Little Pigs (2H)
Goldilocks (2W)

Tuesday 21 March – 7pm
Cinderella (2J – Whole Form Group)
Snow White (2L Whole Form Group)
Jack and the Beanstalk (2P)
Goldilocks (2P)
Little Red Riding Hood (2F)
Three Little Pigs (2W)

Subject of the week

Brilliant Biology

The subject of the week is Biology! In Biology we have been studying Forensic Sciences and have been using them to work out who stole the hypothetical Biology Hamster. There were multiple suspects of whom we had information, which we used to eliminate them from the suspect list. The information we had consisted of blood, ink, height, DNA, pollen on clothing and much more. Last Monday, we gathered all of our evidence, and worked out that Joe Clarke was the kidnapper! Satisfied with our solved case, we wrote a report to the court, finishing our Forensic Science topic.

By Dominic N (2L)

Club of the week

Phenomenal Physics Club

In Physics Club, we are making our very own boats made of wood! This week, we worked with nine volt batteries and a motor, to power our plastic propellers. Also, we have started to design our boats made of wood, thinking of all the factors that would improve the speed and performance of them. After making our project, we will test all the boats in the nearby river, to see which one is the best. This is a great project, and a great way to learn physics in a fun way!

By Guradaes P S (2H)

Pixil Art Club

Max D (2L) has started his very own club! It’s now been running for a couple of weeks so read on to find out more about how to create Pixel Art!

So far there have been three weeks of Pixil Art Club which have been very successful with too many people on the first week and about half the class on both the second and third week. On arrival, everyone sits down and logs onto the computers. Meanwhile, I gather all the themes we want to do on that day and put them in a random name picker which then decides what our creations have to be about. Then you have 30 minutes to make whatever you want (as long as it is based on the theme). If you want to come it is every Monday, during the second half of lunch in room G66. 


In the final Talk! of the term, leading global scientist Professor Lloyd Peck joins us on Tuesday 21 March at 1pm in the Hammond Theatre. It’s a unique opportunity to hear from Professor Peck on his 30 years studying Antarctic life and the environment for the British Antarctic Survey.

Find out more here.


The Second Year Joke Competition continues to bring those who come to Blog Club a good laugh, thank you for all your submissions! This week we give our Second Years a well-deserved rest, and bring you a joke from Lower Sixth Former Monty F:

My new hobby is eating clocks.

It’s rather time-consuming.

We will be continuing the competition next week; you can enter by emailing b.tiller@hamptonschool.org.uk . If your joke gets a mention in the blog, then you can collect a merit from your form tutor. Remember to use your name and form otherwise you won’t get any credit for entering.

Try your best to crack us up – good luck!


We love to hear about what you have been getting up to outside of School and to celebrate your successes in the Second Year Blog! Please do send any information about any of your achievements through to Miss Tiller (b.tiller@hamptonschool.org.uk).


Well done to everyone who had a go at last week’s quiz. Merits go to:

2J: Nihal B, Jack H, Ben G, Kian IB, Harrison G, Josh M-J, Jake O’R

2L: Olly P

2H: AJ C, Svajan G

2B: Rory M, Kiran G

2F: Ishaan A

2W: Oliver S, Sanjit B, Atulya S

Take a look at this week’s questions, have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer. Points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries over the term.

This week’s questions come from Umair M (2L). Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Here are the answers from last week’s quiz:

  1. What is the chicken curry commonly said to come from India but was actually created in England? Chicken Tikka Masala 
  2. Where was the first Olympic Games held? Greece 
  3. What is the coldest planet in the solar system? Uranus 
  4. Where is the hottest place on earth? Death Valley 
  5. What is the oldest written language ever found? Sumerian 


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