Welcome to the Second Year Bulletin!
We may be approaching the end of another half-term very quickly indeed, but there is still a huge amount for the boys to be getting involved in. There are so many opportunities over the next couple of weeks to get creative, to explore interests and to try something new that I hope you all get stuck in and make the most of it!
Well done to the following boys for reaching their merit milestones this week!
Aabid N – 10
Adam G – 40
Tommy S – 50
Umar K – 110 (Unstoppable!)
This week Edmund (2H) interviewed 2H Tutor and Teacher of Physics Mr Fuldner:
What made you want to become a teacher?
I was working in the Science Museum as an explainer, which involved moving around different exhibits and talking to children about science and I really liked that. But I decided that what I really enjoyed was being in school, and I missed having the same classes and getting to know the students, like those boys that I teach now. So, I made the decision to train to be a teacher and so it was through my teacher training that I got into it. When I started teaching, I started to really enjoy it, particularly Physics. I find it really interesting so I liked being able to help other people find it interesting.
If you could give one bit of advice to us what would it be?
Just enjoy yourself and make the most of the School. There are so many opportunities to try things you may never have done before.
What was school like growing up?
I enjoyed school. I went to school in Holland so obviously it’s different to here. I mainly enjoyed subjects where I liked my teachers so I really enjoyed Classics, German and obviously Physics. My Physics teacher was one of those chaotic guys that would pull out a practical every lesson even if it was nothing to do with what we were studying so he made it interesting.
On 21 January the U13As played a tough ESFA round six match against Beaumont School losing 2-0. We wish them luck in their upcoming ISFA Semi-Final match against Aldenham School taking place on 3 February.
Last weekend the U13B and C Team were in action. The Bs played Abingdon School’s A Team losing 2-0, whilst the U13Cs played Abingdon School’s B Team coming out with a win 11-1, well done boys!
Our rugby teams played away at the weekend against Campion School, Essex. The A’s had a great result, winning 35-0, the B’s secured a 5-5 draw in their match and the C’s played well but lost their match 30-20. Well done to everyone!
The Hampton Extended Learning Project is intended to provide an opportunity for boys to extend their learning in an academic area of their choice. HELP is not intended to be a straitjacket; but, at the same time, it is a “one-size-fits-all” programme. The idea is that HELP will be an umbrella programme which will take in pupils doing extension work of different kinds in different subject areas. Pupils might be writing an extended essay; they might be composing a piece of music; they might be writing a play; they might be designing and producing something in D&T; there is not intended to be any particular format for the extended work undertaken.
HELP Level 1 for Second Years was launched a couple of weeks ago, many boys have already submitted their project proposal, and I would encourage anyone else thinking of doing one to get their forms into Mr Wilkinson as soon as possible! All the information you need can be found on Firefly under extended learning. Good Luck!
Science Fair
Boys are invited to participate in the Lower School Science Fair. Competitors may work individually or in teams on a Science Project of their choice. Competitors will present their experiment and/or findings at the Science Fair during lunchtime on Tuesday 17 March. Entry forms are available from the Physics Department and should be handed in to Mr Cook by Friday 7 February.
Find out more from Second Year pupil Ronit who entered last year’s Science Fair with his Lego Orrery Model:
The competitions are coming thick and fast at the moment with the annual Creative Writing 2020 launched this week. To enter, write a story opening of no more than 750 words and submit a printed version to the English Office by 9am on Thursday 27 February.
You could win a place on a Creative Writing Masterclass with published writer Sara Grant. Book vouchers are up for grabs too, and the winners will have their writing published in this summer’s edition of Lion Print, Hampton’s Creative Arts magazine. Take a look at Lion Print 2019 here:
All information can be found on the Firefly section for the Creative Writing Awards (links below):
creative writing awards brief 2020
If you have any questions, please speak to your English teacher.
Check back next week for information on more exciting events coming soon!