Welcome to the Second Year Blog!

Well done on completing another week at e-Hampton! You have all been working hard whilst also finding the time to take part in a variety of different and fun challenges. I hope you all have a restful weekend with your families!


Many congratulations to Avinash Gogineni (2P) for his 60 merits. Please remember to tell Mrs Owen when you achieve your next 10 merits!


There have been lots of fantastic pieces of work being produced this week, each week we hope to post some examples. This week in Geography, 2W were set the challenge of designing their own perfectly adapted rainforest animal. Click on the images below to take a closer look at what some of the boys came up with!


Lots of you have had a go at the 2.6 challenge, a campaign born out of the need to continue to support a whole host of amazing charities as a result of the London Marathon having to be postponed this year.

Will (2L) has raised a fantastic amount of money for his Bohemian Rhapsody performance.

I decided to take part in this challenge because firstly I needed something to do! And also, music inspires me a lot and I had seen others doing this and I thought that this challenge would be a really cool thing to take part in. I found a random arrangement of Bohemian Rhapsody and recorded myself playing it through, there were many software issues along the way but I got there in the end!

Well done Will!

Natty (2L) performed 26 guitar riffs in 26 minutes, and raised an impressive amount of money for charity in the process. Well done Natty! Take a look at this video of Natty completing his challenge!

Also, a big well done to Lorenz (2P) who completed a 26.2 walk!  And to Thomas (2P) who filmed and edited a video of his mum completing a 2.6km run in fancy dress, changing costume every 260 meters!


As requested last week, thank you for sharing your exploits in the kitchen with us! Please keep sending in your photos!

Daniel (2H) made a Chicken Katsu Curry this week for his family! It looks delicious!

Charlie (2J) made a chocolate cake! It looks amazing! Who wants a slice? I do!


A huge well done to Isaac (2P) who won the junior competition. Watch Isaac perform a short extract of his story!


Many of you may have found time during lockdown to practise your own creative writing. Poetry is a great way to express yourself and as I am sure you are aware there are many different types, including, Haiku!

Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry.  Rohan (2B) tells us more about this type of poem and has shared an example of one of his own:

A Haiku is a kind of poem often depicting a certain emotion and/or an aspect of nature that is made up of 3 lines. The first and last lines have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.

Seconds are precious

Time will never stop ticking

Every moment counts

Why don’t you have a go at writing your own Haiku, perhaps about life in lockdown, and we can share these on the blog each week.


Whilst we are in lockdown there are no sporting events to report on as we would do normally. However, the PE Department are working hard to keep you all inspired and active and I am sure that you are finding inventive ways to continue honing your skills at home. Please share your photos and stories with us!

Ollie (2W) has a fantastic set-up in his garden so that he can continue with some serious cricket practise!


One of our rowing coaches has a message for you:

Calling all Second Year boys/parents!

The Boat Club are really keen to hear from any boys (or parents of boys) who would be interested in having a go at rowing this summer! Rowing is one of the Games Options available to the boys in the summer term, but can also fit in with other their sports if necessary; there is no reason why a keen cricketer/athlete/tennis player shouldn’t come and try rowing at least once (it is OARSOME, after all)!

Hampton is so fortunate to have such brilliant rowing facilities; we are always keen to see as many boys as possible challenge themselves to try this sport (something completely different for most of them), even if it is only once during their time at the School! Needless to say, we’re not at all sure when we’ll be able to get back on the water at the moment, but it would be really useful nonetheless to know of any boys in the year group who might be interested… that way we can ‘hit the ground running’ when the time comes (or should I say ‘hit the river rowing’?)!

Furthermore, as you have heard, there is so much going on within the Boat Club at the moment, and almost all of our challenges and competitions are suitable for the whole family (no prior rowing experience necessary)! This weekend’s competition will see us return to battle against our fierce rivals from St Paul’s and Radley Schools, so if you would be able to help bolster our ranks, we would really appreciate the support! In so many ways, there has never been a better time to join in with the boat club! Please use the form here to register your interest; there is no obligation to sign up or take part in any challenges if you don’t want to, but we will be in touch with some more information, and to answer any questions you might have about Hampton Rowing! 

Virtual Drama

The Drama department are offering a very exciting virtual performance opportunity! They are planning to present a video performance of the poem If by Rudyard Kipling.

If you would be keen to be involved in the project please email Mrs Plowman (n.plowman@hamptonschool.org.uk) and you will be sent more information about how to take part via firefly.

Have a great weekend!

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