As the end of term rapidly approaches, so sinks in the realisation that it is the end of the academic year and life as a Hampton Third Year is drawing to a close for our 208 boys. As always, at the end of the era one is torn between looking back and looking forward. In looking back the Third Year leadership team hope that mistakes made can be left behind and lessons learned will be taken forward. Also, it is a time for celebrating success. This was achieved magnificently last night at the Third Year Prize Giving Evening. Thanks to Mrs Clarke for all her hard work in organising the event. The evening was a delightful mixture of reflections and memories from Mr Woods and Miss Millar, performances from some of our talented Third Years and a procession of worthy prize winners, eloquently invited by Mrs Clarke to receive their deserved rewards from a “fiercely proud” Mr Knibbs.
The students’ performances were show stealers. Max Elliott (3F) and Torin Umrigar (3J) performed a brilliant version of Megan Trainor’s “All about that bass”. Torin played acoustic guitar and sang lead vocals. Max was on backing vocals and electric guitar and pulled out a shredding solo! Hamish McCormack, Aidan Barry and Torin Umrigar (all in 3J) were sensational in their 39 Steps inspired drama presentation “Torinus the Storyteller” which was devised and written by the boys themselves.
Here is a full list of prize winners:
Form prizes for Academic Excellence:
3A William Boyce, Sean Cruice 3B Tom Randall, Adam Winskall, Oliver Wykes
3C Arjun Swarup, Stephon Umashangar 3D Alexander Fagan, Lucas Gibbard
3E Oliver Lawrence, Adam Wood 3F Himinash Joshi, Maximilian Matthews
3G Archer Chilcott, Luke Lawrence 3H Jake Emerson, Matthieu Hildreth
3J David Evans, Pavit Kullar, James Poole
Tutor’s Prizes for All-round Achievement and Contribution to School Life:
3A Mayank Dasannacharya, James Nally 3B Faisal Jumaily, Oliver Maskell
3C Jack Humpish, Paul Wilkinson 3D Matthew Cecil, Patrick Wheeler
3E Denil Manuel, Nicholas Stoner 3F Max Elliott, Thomas Hayward
3G Blake Cullen, Koby Kalavannan 3H Charles Key, Suliemaan Siddique
3J Nicholas Green, Ewan Samms
Headmaster’s Merit Prizes
Sean Cruice, Tomas Dwyer, Max Johnstone, Himanish Joshi, Stahis Katathias, Firas Khalil, Varun Muralidharan, Henry Sheen, Patrick Wheeler, Paul Wilkinson
Parents’ Association Prizes
Art Dominic Nunn
Original Work Charles Key
School Prizes for Original Work
Aidan Barry, Dylan Byrne, Matthew Cade, Stathis Kalathias, Hamish MacCormick, Ewan McBride, Edmund Page, Tom Randall, Benedict Stonely, Torin Umrigar, Oliver Wykes
Prize for Original Work in the field of Art
Maximilian Matthews, Varun Muralidharan
HELP Project Prizes
Sean Cruice, Alexander Fagan, Himanish Joshi, Oliver Nixon, Stephon Umashangar
Music Society Junior Cup
Stephon Umashangar
Co Curricular Awards
Music Prize Max Elliott
Chess Prize Koby Kalavannan
Rugby Prize Matthew Collingridge, Rylan Govino, Alexander Riches
Football Prize Matthew Cecil, Jack Madelin
Rowing Prize William Bray, William Mason
Athletics Prize Benjamin Collier, Frederick Hodgson, Pavit Kullar, Samual Southall
Cricket Prize Blake Cullen, Thomas Miller
Tennis Prize Timothy Bird, Hamish MacCormack
Head of Year Prizes for Contributions to School life
Archer Chilcott, Rahul Desai, Firas Khalil, Paul Wilkinson
Harris Prize
Joseph Helm
Headmaster’s Prize for Academic Distinction
Varun Muralidharan
Mistresses’ Prize
Edward Allen
After awarding the prizes, Mr Knibbs addressed the boys and their proud parents about the boys’ importance in these changing times and about how they can set an example for the politicians and leaders of the world. Given time, Hamptonian Third Years will be leaders and have influential roles in shaping tomorrow’s world. Denil Manuel drew formal proceedings to a close with a wonderfully eloquent, warm and humorous vote of thanks.
In looking forward, the Hampton School Third Year leadership and tutor teams would like to wish the Third Year Boys a restful, exciting and enjoyable summer holiday. It is well deserved and should refresh the boys ahead of the big challenges ahead of them in the Fourth Year. Good luck!
Finally, I would like to ask your indulgence and take the opportunity to use the Third Year Blog to say my goodbye to Hampton Third Year as I am leaving the school at the end of term. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the Hampton Third Year team, alongside Mrs Clarke and with the brilliant leadership of Mr Woods and Miss Millar. The biggest bonus of the job though has been working with such talented and delightful young men for four years and this year’s cohort has been no exception. In writing the blog I have had the opportunity to collate wide ranging stories of success, achievements, feats, performances, trials, tribulations and have brought together interesting, amusing and inspiring insights into Hampton Third Years’ lives both in school and at home. It has been an absolute pleasure and I will miss the weekly updates. Thanks to all for their contributions and I’ll leave you with (please forgive a Biology teacher’s attempt at poetry) a modified version of my favourite poem (Rudyard Kipling’s “IF”):
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all may doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait politely outside classrooms,
Queue with grace and show lunch hall etiquette,
Or avoid distractions, don’t give way to tempters,
And be a positive role model, don’t overdo “bants”…:
If you can learn – and not make exams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Merits and Detention
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth of grades and reports
Written by staff with best intentions,
Or use PSHE to learn and explore life lessons,
To equip yourself with skills and tools:
If you can make the best of your potential
In every field of Hampton life,
Every term, start again at your beginnings
And never doubt your path to success;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve in ISFA Cup, DofE or on Hammond stage,
And always true to Martin’s Battle Cry;
Every day believing “if not now, when!”
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Knibbs – nor lose the common touch,
if either first years or sixth form mentors like you,
Boys and staff can on you count, in class, on pitch or on a trip;
If you can fill the lesson’s 40 minutes,
With maximum effort and interest given,
Hampton is the start and everything that’s in it,
And – more – you’ll be Hamptonian Men!
Thanks, good luck and goodbye!
Graham Ryan