It was wonderful to welcome new Hamptonians as First Years, Third Years and Sixth Formers joined Hampton at the start of the academic year. There were plenty of smiles, and maybe a few butterflies, as parents dropped their children off ready to start their very first day.

After being welcomed by The Headmaster, Mr Knibbs, and Heads of First Year Mr Hill and Fuldner, First Year pupils spent time getting to know their new forms and meeting Sixth Form mentors.  Armed with maps of the School, intrepid Hamptonians then ventured further afield trying to get to grips with the layout of the School and its grounds. Tasked with finding key locations, everyone enjoyed getting a little lost before discovering the best routes around the building.

A tasty lunch and an introduction to Hampton sport in the afternoon were followed by a Welcome Reception for parents, who were all keen to hear all about their child’s first day. Congratulations to everyone on a successful first day and we are looking forward to watching you flourish here at Hampton.

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