We wish all the very best to departing members of the Common Room. Among those saying goodbye to Hampton this year are English teacher Mrs Alex McLusky, Mr Matt Sims from our PE department, and Design and Engineering technician Mr Tony Barun, who between them have chalked up 60 years of dedicated service to the School.
Mrs McLusky has been a much-loved Form Tutor from Third Year to Upper Sixth during her time here. She set up and ran the Oracy Programme across the School, created and ran the popular ‘Pens Down Day, and was the instigator of our splendid Writers’ Room, creating the perfect environment for the next generation of aspiring authors.
Head of PE, Mr Sims is an alumnus who joined the School as a fresh-faced 11-year-old in 1996. He returned as a member of the Common Room in 2007, overlapping with the last two years of his father’s time here teaching English (1974 – 2011). Mr Sims has been an integral members of our Sports department dedicating much of his time to ensuring Hamptonians have been able to excel across their chosen sport.
Technician, Mr Barun, is a stalwart of our Design and Engineering department who is retiring after almost 23 years’ service at Hampton, helping to imbue a love of his subject among generations of Hamptonians. Trained as a tool maker, Mr Barun joined the department from a career in industry.
We thank them for all their hard work and dedication over the years,
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