Assessments are over, the sun is shining and Second Years have a spring in their step. We have four more weeks to enjoy our lessons, lots of sport, clubs as well as School trips. This week the whole year group went to Cuckmere on a Geography Field Trip to study rivers and enjoyed a day in the countryside with their friends. Our next trip is on 20 June which is an RS trip to Hounslow Mosque and to St Anne’s Richmond. In between, we have the Interform Quiz (details below).

I am delighted to release the Interform Athletics result (full disclosure –  I am the extremely proud Form Tutor of the winners).

1 – 2W

2 – 2L

3 – 2B

4 – 2H

5 – 2F

6 – 2J

7 – 2P

Interform Athletics 

On the last afternoon of last half term, we had an Interform Athletics Competition. There were track events and field events, including 100m race, 200m race, long jump, high jump, shot put and javelin. The afternoon began with a 100m hurdles, as the forms cheered their runner on, boosting their confidence. All forms participated in the 100m relay race and the shot put event.

I started the relay for my form and dashed across the racing track at speed towards my teammate, who I passed my baton to at the 100m mark. The race ended very intensely, as we just managed to grab sixth position (at least we were not last!) The fun afternoon ended with a 10x50m relay, as everyone cheered each other on. For shot put, we got three tries to throw the shot and we threw it on a sand pitch. Unfortunately, our form came last, but it’s all about the participation and the enjoyment we were all having together after the long Assessment Week

By Oliver Y (2P)

Geography Field Trip 

By Sewon P (2W)

Today was a very exciting day: we spent a day at Cuckmere River exploring the different parts of rivers. Our teacher explained how meanders are formed by the river’s natural process of erosion and deposition, creating curves and bends over time. We were thrilled to spot many ox-bow lakes, which are lakes of a shape of a ‘U’. These are made when a strong bend (meander) in the river is cut away from the main flow, leaving a body of water unaltered by the flow. These can dry up or stay full of water by rainfall. Walking along the riverbank, we saw a rather unpleasant but natural aspect of life – lots of cow faeces! Despite this, the trip was an education and very enjoyable, providing information on these geographical features of rivers that we are currently learning in geography. It was a memorable day of school.

And more from Ekam R (2B)

I enjoyed our trip to Cuckmere. We walked about 3 km throughout the day and we aimed to answer the question ‘is the lower section of the river Cuckmere that of a typical river?’ by walking from the beautiful beach with amazing views to a tall hill where we could see the entire lower course!

Half Term Travels 

During half term, my family and I travelled to Bournemouth. We took a ferry to the Isle of Purbeck to see ‘Old Harry Rocks’, a chalk formation which marks the most eastern point of the Jurassic Coast. Old Harry Rocks is a historical landmark, filled with an abundance of fossils, renowned for its natural beauty and wildlife. The name Old Harry Rocks is said to have come from the 15th century pirate, Harry Paye, who was thought to have used the rocks for shelter before ambushing merchant ships. We also visited Lulworth Cove, a stunning shelter also on the Jurassic Coast. 

It was well worth the trip and one that I recommend!

By Matthew L (2H)

Cricket Victory

One of the most brilliant cricket matches ever witnessed took place on Tuesday at Hampton featuring the U13A team playing against Emmanuel School in a cup game. As the captain, I am thrilled to report that we held our nerves, winning the game and we are now in the quarter-finals against King’s College Wimbledon.

Emmanuel, under the captaincy of a Middlesex County player, won the toss and chose to bowl first in overcast conditions, with rain pouring down and strong winds. The openers for Hampton, Siddhant S and Sebastian W went out to bat. Their Middlesex player opened the bowling and came storming in and within a blink of an eye, the ball dismantled the stumps, and the bails went flying for six, over the boundaries. Hampton had lost a wicket on the very first ball of their innings and were on the back foot.

I came in at number 3, and Sebastian W started to build a good-looking partnership before I was unfortunately out, followed by a Hampton collapse, resulting in the opposition being at 40/4 in just 6 overs. Sebastian was caught in a brilliant catch in the deep after scoring 36 brisk runs; Hampton had lost half their side without facing half the number of overs. Vayun J and Nico seemed to steady the ship and looked good before Vayun also got out in a brilliant piece of fielding by Emmanuel, after scoring 20 runs. Hampton’s run rate was very high, 9 an over, but we lost 6 wickets for 99 in 11 overs. Monty R came out to bat, joining Nico, who was looking prominent. Monty and Nico built a brilliant partnership and Monty soon got out trying to accelerate the scoreboard, followed by Nico who missed out on a very well-deserved half-century, falling just three runs short. He brought his side out of danger of being all out.

Having a handy finish by Louis and Ishaaq, Hampton finished on 143/9 in their 20 overs, which seemed a decent score, however, being a cup game, anything could happen and a valiant effort by Emmanuel could result in them winning. The openers of Emmanuel came out to bat and seemed strong but soon started to lose wickets, thanks to brilliant spells early on by Louis and Nico. Emmanuel’s strongest player then came out to bat and to put a stop to the fears of Emannuel as he sent most of the bowlers to the trees for sixes all over the ground and Hampton suddenly needed some wickets as their opposition were 60/2 in just 7 overs. Though the batter was smashing bowlers at one end, Manav from the other provided wickets picking up 3 in an over and suddenly ended up with 4 wickets in 2 overs, lifting Hampton spirits.

The match seemed to go to the wire as Emmanuel only needed 62 off 8 overs but having lost 7 wickets, it was anyone’s game. Enough of the pacers (thought Hampton) and in came Monty R, the leg spinner. A peach of delivery from Monty got rid of the very dangerous-looking opponent and the game moved towards Hampton. A brilliant spell of bowling by Monty and Neil at the death provided a win for Hampton, winning by 30 runs.

A brilliant game of cricket came to an end; Emmanuel’s efforts were not to be forgotten, fighting until the end. Hampton’s fielding decided the game in the end, being very tight in the field, which created immense pressure.

By Manav K (2L)

Second Year Interform Quiz

We need teams of four boys per form for the Interform Quiz which will run on 11,12 and 13 June in F11. The format is University Challenge, the only difference being that we pass over bonus questions to the other team if answered incorrectly. Boys will need to bring a charged laptop to serve as  ‘buzzers’. In preparation, start sharpening your general knowledge!


We love to hear about what you have been getting up to outside of school and to celebrate your successes in the Second Year Blog! Please do send any information about any of your achievements through to Mrs Whitwam (v.whitwam@hamptonschool.org.uk).


Quiz of the week is back!

Take a look at this week’s questions – have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer. Points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries over the term.

Following on from the Geography Field Trip to the River Cuckmere, this week’s brain-busting quiz questions are all about rivers.

Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

HAVE A GREAT weekend!

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