Senior Prizegiving saw over 500 Hamptonians, Governors, parents and members of the Common Room gather to mark many of the achievements of the past year.

Recognising attainment across all areas of School life for the academic year 2022-23, over 340 prizes were awarded to boys from last year’s Fifth Year to Upper Sixth.

Prizes acknowledged a wide range of achievements including victory in the ESFA Cup Final and English Schools’ Chess Championship. School Captains for the Class of 2023 received some of most prestigious awards including the Dennis King Cup for unselfish service to the School which was presented to Sam Shephard; The Howes Cup to Freddy Liang, Ollie Lycett, Sam Shephard and Daniel Townend; and the Fitzwygram Cup for outstanding contribution to the School went to Toby Gwynne.

Congratulations to all who were recognised in this year’s awards.

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