Welcome to the Second Year Blog!

It’s been another fun-packed week for Second Year Hamptonians. A definite highlight has been the fantastic language taster sessions that will hopefully make language options for next year easier! On Thursday, we also had our options talk which gave the boys some information on what subjects they can choose to take on into the Third Year. This week also saw the first rounds of the Interform Quiz, well done to everyone who took part and good luck to the quizzers for next week.

Merit Milestones

Another bumper week for merits! Well done to the following Second Years:

Atulya Sahi – 20

Nihal Bal – 20

Dylan Love – 20

Freddie Turnbull – 30

James Phillips – 30

Siddharth Srivastav – 50 (Fabulous!)

Kian Iranpour Boroujeni – 50 (Excellent!)

Rory McEwan – 50 (Super!)


It’s been an exciting week for Second Year Hamptonians as they try out lots of different new languages ahead of their Third Year option choices. Let’s hear more about it:

This week’s Third Year language taster session are off to a good start. Currently instead of Latin, classes have been learning Ancient Greek and have been having some incredible taster language sessions. “They were very interesting” says Ollie P (2L). Currently new languages may be picked up in the Third Year to broaden the student’s horizons and allow them to immerse themselves in an entirely new language and culture. With Mr McBay giving an uplifting and incredible talk about the endless possibilities of life in the Third Year, Second Year pupils greatly anticipate the arrival of the next academic year and its many wonders. Students may choose from five new languages and other creative subjects.

By Charlie E (2W)

This week, instead of our first choice languages, we have been taking modern language taster sessions. Depending on what your first choice language is (Spanish, German and French) all Second Year Hamptonians have been having one lesson of each new language: Mandarin, Spanish, Russian, German and French. I already take Spanish, and so far I have had a session of Russian, where I enjoyed learning the Slavic alphabet and learning some words such as spasiba (thanks) and kak dela (how are you.) I have also had a lesson of Chinese, where we learnt some of the symbols they use for different words and also numbers 1-10. Overall, I have enjoyed the two lessons we have had so far and have found it very interesting. We have also been having two weeks of Ancient Greek lessons, and we will have an options talk in assembly on Thursday in assembly to help us understand what languages and subjects we can take for Third Year. 

By Josh MJ (2J)

In Latin, over the past couple of weeks, we have been studying Greek as a taster for future language choices. We have learnt how to write Greek letters and how to pronounce them and have gone as far as writing words. It is really fun and is a whole new experience for all of us. It is a great way of testing ourselves with challenges to face each lesson. Hopefully, we will start to translate whole sentences from Greek and continue to expand our understanding of the language.

By Harrison G (2J)

To get a flavour of what the Second Years have been up to in their modern language taster sessions, take a look at the video below:


On Tuesday, myself and three other members of my tutor group (2B) stepped into room F41, ready to duel with 2H in a battle of general knowledge. The format of the Quiz is similar to that of University Challenge, where there is a starter question, which people have to buzz in for, and the team that guesses the question correctly gets three bonus questions, which they can confer with their team. It was a close game with numerous questions. Eventually, it came down to the wire, with both teams having the same number of points. This resulted in a tiebreaker question, which 2H answered correctly. It was a close game with me getting the most starter questions correct. Congratulations to 2H

By Rory M (2B)

At lunchtime on Tuesday, 2L (my team) faced off against 2W in the Interform quiz. It started off tense and I felt quite nervous. However, when the quiz began, we shook off the nerves and started buzzing in. We won 180-50, 2W were however a very good team, answering questions quickly. In this race, 2L emerged victorious.2W were a challenge but 2L managed. Good game!

By Umair M (2L)

Come back next week to find out more about the early rounds of the exciting Interform Quiz!

A word from our Rugby Captains

So far, we have had a great season of rugby including our Middlesex Cup victory which wouldn’t have been achieved without the team’s passion and teamwork throughout. I am very grateful to be captain of the U13 rugby squad and as a team we are especially grateful to Mr Gray who puts so much effort and work into managing our squad to victory. In addition, we would like to say a big thank you to Mr Beattie who puts a lot of time into organising our fixtures and tournaments. We are very proud of the team, and we are looking forward to our upcoming matches where we will hopefully triumph once again.

By Kian W and Benedict B (2W)

Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat

After countless rehearsals and run throughs it is now coming to the last month of rehearsals. With an hour after school on Tuesdays and Thursday plus 7 hours (10:00 to 5:00) on Sunday the work will soon pay off. Tweaking songs and staging to perfection; we had a successful run through with minimal mistakes. Everyone was excited to see the costumes and at the end of the session the prop/costume room was flooded with peering heads. There was everything from elaborate golden gowns to simple woollen jumpers. Book your tickets now!

By Max D (2L)

Tickets are now available for this year’s Junior School Musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! The joint cast of Hamptonians and Waldegrave pupils will bring this magical musical to life. Performances take place on Tuesday 7, Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 February and tickets can be booked here. 


The Second Year Joke Competition continues to bring those who come to Blog Club a good laugh, thank you for all your submissions! This week the winning joke was submitted by Josh MJ (2J). Congratulations, you’ve won a Merit!

Q: Why did the scarecrow win an award?

A: He was outstanding in his field.

We will be continuing the competition next week, you can enter by emailing b.tiller@hamptonschool.org.uk . If your joke gets a mention in the blog, then you can collect a merit from your form tutor. Remember to use your name and form otherwise you won’t get any credit for entering.

Try your best to crack us up – good luck!


Rory M (2B) received a Merit in his Grade 5 Music Theory exam. Well done, Rory!

Congratulations to Alex L (2J) who has recent;y won the U14 London Chess Champion. Fantastic news!

Talk! Professor Parosha Chandran

“Modern slavery happens all around us and we need to know more about it.”

Modern day slavery is on our doorstep. Over fifty million people across the world are currently victims of modern slavery and the problem is increasing, including in the UK. Come along to the next Hampton School Talk! event on Monday 30 January at 1pm in the Hammond Theatre when we’ll be joined by Professor Parosha Chandran, the UK’s leading anti-slavery lawyer.

Join us for this unique opportunity to hear from Professor Chandran about her world-leading work as a human rights barrister, the cases she has fought on behalf of victims of modern slavery, and the legal precedents she has set that have helped to protect thousands of lives. There is no need for Hamptonians to book a ticket, just come along on Monday 30 January at 1pm.


Well done to everyone who had a go at last week’s quiz. Merits go to:

2J: Lucas Z, Kian IB, Jack H

2L: Zen N, Umair M, Josh G, Jack M

2H: AJ C, Oliver K

2W: Oliver S

2B: Ethan G, Rory M, Kiran G

2F: Siddharth S, Tom S, Ishaan A

Take a look at this week’s questions, have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer. Points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries over the term.

Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Here are the answers from last week’s quiz:

  1. In the book Animal Farm, how many dogs does Napoleon the pig take to breed up in secret? Nine
  1. What do these three words have in common, Feijoada, Moqueca, Acaraje? They are all traditional Brazilian foods
  1. Which World Flag is not a rectangle? The Flag of Nepal
  1. Which OH took the photo of the two rats fighting in a train station? HINT, the photo is on display next to room G66. Sam Rowley
  1. Which English football World Cup player shares a surname with an actor who plays Spider-Man in the 2002-2009 trilogy? Harry Maguire

Have a great weekend!


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