Member of the Class of 2022 were welcomed back to Hampton to join senior pupils, parents, governors, and teachers for the School’s annual prizegiving evening.

Recognising achievements across all areas of School life for the academic year 2021-22, over 340 prizes were awarded to boys from Fourth Year to Upper Sixth.

Last year’s School Captain team received some of most prestigious awards including the Dennis King Cup for unselfish service to the School which was presented to Fergus Briston; The Howes Cup to Jonah Blake, Fergus Briston, Finlo Cowley, Jai Saha, Abhinand Sundaram; and the Fitzwygram Cup to former School Captain, Sam Evans.

For a full list of prize winners for the academic year 2021-22, please click here.

Congratulations to all who were recognised in this year’s awards.


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