Welcome to the First Year Blog!

After another busy week with lots of fun lessons, fixtures and clubs, the First Years have nearly made it to the end of their first half term at Hampton! This week was jam-packed with some rather wet and windy training sessions, auditions for Joseph (good luck to anyone taking part in the call-backs next week!) and lots of fun clubs during lunchtime! With two exciting trips coming up next week, the last week before the break promises to be another busy and exciting one!

A quick reminder for parents: please could you email both of your son’s Form Tutors if you have any questions or news about your son? Many thanks!


The First Years have continued to explore new clubs this week but there are many more clubs you can try out to during your lunchtimes next week – it has been great to hear about your experiences so far, and you can read about Beekeeping, Chemistry, Chess and Spanish Club below. Remember you do not need to sign up for clubs – just go along to any club you might want to try! You can find a list of all clubs here:


Beekeeping Club by Neil T (1J): Beekeeping Club is the best club I have ever done, it’s so ecstatic and you get to learn so much about how such little creatures have such a colossal impact on the world. It’s always buzzing with fun (and bees) and it’s a place to start a new hobby. In our first session we learnt all about the bees and how they carry pollen and make honey and we found out what the different types of honeybees are and what their jobs are too. On the second lesson we put the suits on and went out to the hive. There were THOUSANDS of bees flying and swarming around me and loads even landed on me and then we learned about the different parts of the hive, there were so many things that we learned about bees that I never knew before. My grandfather was a doctor by profession but a beekeeper by hobby and he loved it, just as I imagine many pupils will if they join, so I would definitely recommend it!

Chemistry Club by Danyal P (1J): Last week in Chemistry Club we were doing an experiment on indicators reacting to different chemicals, and the results were surprising. First we started with a messy process of making our indicators by grinding red cabbage (which created a vile smell) with hot water. This created our indicator to test with different chemicals to see how they reacted. We had a few chemicals to try such as: fruit juice, digestive juice and soapy water. When I tested them all out, all of them had a unique colour change to show the reaction of the chemicals. In conclusion I have enjoyed Chemistry Club and learnt a lot from it, I would recommend others to attend the club.

Chess Club by Ishaaq A (1J): All the clubs are amazing but chess well, it is very high up those ranks so many people want to play! You can play your friends or even someone random and there is always an interesting game to watch, and the most important bit is making new friends who share your likes.

Spanish Fiesta Club by Shishir V (1J): Spanish Fiesta Club has been an absolute blast. Heavily advertised by my Spanish teacher, I had to come. It was hard to find, but in the end, I managed it. We had an absolute smashing time, with lots of fun games such as Pictionary and Hangman with a Spanish twist. We may have got a bit overloaded with the delicious churros, but they were truly amazing. It was also informative, teaching us about Spanish food, culture and the language. Certainly a recommendation for anybody interested, regardless of knowledge on the subject.


Pens Down Day had finally arrived as an adventure-packed day awaited us. Our lessons were interesting as teachers had to avoid the use of pens. In English, it was practically impossible to do a lesson without a pen. Our Spanish lesson was a favourite as we had a ‘Passaporte de Español’ We had to gain stamps from countries in the Spanish-speaking world in our passports. It was extremely difficult as we couldn’t speak English at any time. Latin, that day involved us drawing Latin food (we may have slightly bent the rules!) In the end, it was a fabulous day and I can’t wait to do it again. By Shishir V (1J)


The U12B Football team started their ESFA Cup journey last Friday with an incredibly tense match in tough, wet conditions against Winston Churchill School. George S (1H) and Dean F (1F) report:

Last Friday, we travelled to Winston Churchill School for our first cup match for Hampton. After a long-fought game, we triumphed in a penalty shootout following a dramatic extra-time which ended tied 4-4. We scored the first goal straight after kick-off but the opposition quickly came back to make the scoreline 2-1. After the whistle blew for half-time, we knew something had to change to turn the game around. As we went back onto the pitch with confidence running high, we fought hard for every ball, but we couldn’t get an equaliser. With mere minutes to go, we scored twice in quick succession. We thought this was game over. We thought we had won. As the final seconds trickled down, their player scored an excellent goal. We were devastated. However, we couldn’t give up this easily. In extra-time, we unfortunately conceded a penalty. Though our goalkeeper got a good hand to it, it trickled past the line. Our spirits were still high, but our stamina was low. Our hope was not. After a brilliantly timed run and a few brilliant passes, we had scored. It was now penalties. We all held our breaths for every penalty. Our goalkeeper pulled off an amazing save and just like that, it was the final penalty. If they score, the penalties continue. If they miss, we win. Their taker stepped up, but the goalkeeper saved it! We had barely won but got what we deserved. We are now through to the next round of the cup!

Well done for making it through to round 2, and good luck from us all in the next round!


Max C (1H) and Zac C (1H) keep us updated on the progress of the U12A and U12B Rugby teams in their fixtures this term:

On Saturday we faced an extremely tough opponent of St George’s and drew 4-4. We began the game off with two amazing tries scored by Jonny. Then JoJo scored two and we were up 4-0. We held our defence and saved some close tries which led to half time. When the second half started they came right at us and scored a try in the first minute. We lost focus and they caught up to 4-4. With three minutes to go, we fought but couldn’t score another; the lesson of that game is we can’t lose focus because rugby is a game that can change in an incredibly short amount of time. We shook hands as we left after a tense match. By Max C (1H)

During the half term, the rugby teams have played a few matches. Split into two teams, the As and the Bs represent Hampton School in the under 12s. Whilst we have only played two matches, the rugby coaches are impressed with the teams performance, even though we haven’t won all our games. The B team, while not being the best, have played outstanding rugby against other schools, especially St George’s Weybridge. The team coaches, Mr Saunders and others train us to the best of our abilities, even in positions we were not comfortable in previously. By Zac C (1H)

 Avon Tyrrell

Avon Tyrrell seems a long time ago now so if you fancy reminding yourself of all the fantastic things you got up, take a look at the video below:


Aiden F (1F) received an award for his poem ‘Change’ which has been published in the book “The Tree” by Wimbledon Bookfest which is a collection of Poems and Short Stories chosen from the entries of the Young Writers’ Competition of 2022.  Aiden was the runner up for the KS2 Senior Poem group. Well done Aiden, and congratulations on this great achievement! You can read Aiden’s poem below:

Change By Aiden F

We love to hear about what you have been getting up to outside of school and to celebrate your successes in the First Year Blog! Please do send any information about any of your achievements through to Mr Fuldner (d.fuldner@hamptonschool.org.uk).


Every week, the First Year Tutor team nominate a boy who they have been particularly impressed with, and Mr Hill and Mrs Peattie provide him with a football to use on the fields for the week!

This week’s tutee of the week is George V (1P) for having made an excellent start to the year and impressing Mrs Scorer, Ms Van Odijk, Mr Hill and Mrs Peattie with his positive attitude and diligence around everything school-related.


A humungous 54 First Year Hamptonians had a go at last week’s quiz, well done to everyone who had a go! Big shout to our new weekly champions Form 1W with an impressive 13 entries. Merits go to:

1P: George V, Sion K, Ollie B, Lucas T, Oliver Y, Arjun S, Jonathan A, Thomas N, Tom P

1J: Louis C, Eashan B, David W, Joshua A, Josh B, Danyal P, Shishir V, Henry S

1L: Patrick H, Rajvir S, Edison Y, Neev G, Fraser M-C

1W: Marcus P, Dean B, Yusuf A, Siyul P, Shiv V, Brooklyn N, Huw C, Max G, Zidan A, Anthony S, Isaac d Q, Laurie L-T, Vayun J

1B: Fred O, Josh R, Ari E, Alexander K, Jiashan L, George H, Devam K, Joe B, Sebastian W, Neal H, Ekam R

1H: James N, James G, George S

1F: Daniel S, Oscar F, Ben J, Oscar S, Nico W

Take a look at this week’s questions – have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer.

  1. What is spaghettification?
  2. Unscramble these words to make the name of a popular Disney film: think legion
  3. What language is spoken in Brazil?
  4. Name the eldest Weasley sibling?
  5. Which new British military force was established in 1918?

Merits are awarded for everyone who has a go! Just click on the link below and enter your answers; points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries every week.

Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Take a look at next week’s blog to find out the answers and here are the answers to last week’s 5 questions:

  1. What is the most sold flavour of Walker’s crisps? Cheese & onion
  2. What does the Latin Tempus mean in English? Time
  3. How many Grand Slam singles titles has Serena Williams won? 23
  4. Which UK city is situated further west – Bristol or Edinburgh? Edinburgh
  5. Which country was the first to give women the right to vote, in 1893? New Zealand

Remember to write your name in the form so you can be credited with merits!


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