Hampton welcomed new First, Third and Lower Sixth pupils for the start of the 2022-23 academic year.

This morning saw the arrival of excited and nervous First Years, many accompanied by family members enjoying their son’s first day at School. The new pupils enjoyed getting to know each other and also met their Form Tutors and Upper Sixth Mentors, who will help them settle in during the first few weeks of term. The new First Years had lots of fun exploring the School site, using maps to help them navigate their new surroundings. The afternoon was spent out on the Hampton playing fields, enjoying a game of either football or rugby. At the end of the day, parents gathered in the Main Hall to hear all about the day’s adventures and meet other members of the Hampton community.

Also joining Hampton were our new Third Year boys who are looking forward to meeting the rest of their year group and getting stuck into the new academic year. Our new Lower Sixth Hamptonians were also in School today, looking impeccable in their new business suits.

We wish all our new pupils the very best of luck for the year ahead!


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