ZSL London Zoo’s Gorilla Kingdom is smelling delightful thanks to the generosity of the Hampton School community.
As part of the School’s Form Charity initiative, an appeal for unwanted perfume resulted in over 100 bottles of various scents being delivered to zookeepers at ZSL London Zoo. The keepers often use perfume to encourage the animals’ natural behaviours – replicating the scent trails animals follow when hunting for and finding food in the wild.
Alika the Gorilla: (c) ZSL London
Deputy Animal Operations Manager Dan Simmonds expressed his gratitude to the Hampton community:
“We’re so grateful to the families of Hampton School for their incredible donation. Scent enrichment is an important part of the lives of many of the animals at London Zoo, encouraging them to use their natural senses and skills. Gorillas’ olfactory senses will pick up odours just like ours – scents like body odour, for example, are an important part of gorilla society. Providing the gorillas with alternative odours – such as perfumes or spices – is a nice way to replicate the equal variety of odours experienced in the wild.”
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