In what has been a truly remarkable whole-school endeavour, Covid-19 Lateral Flow Device (LDF) tests have been offered to every Hamptonian across a three-day period.  From Monday 8 March, each pupil will complete a further two tests, meaning we will have provided nearly 4,000 tests across eight days.

In recent months, the North Gym has been converted to a testing centre and fitted out with 13 private testing booths and this week the Main Hall converted to a registration centre, allowing pupils to sign up for their LFD. Thank you to the 30+ parent and staff volunteers who have given up their time to assist with the testing programme and without whose help this operation would have been impossible.

The successful roll-out of LFD testing paves the way for the full reopening of the Hampton site on Monday 8 March, and the return to face-to-face education for all year groups.

Asymptomatic testing using the LFD tests is just one way in which the School is helping to ensure the safe on-site return of our pupils and staff.  From Monday, the well-adopted mantra ‘Hands, Face, Space’ will continue to apply, which, together with the one-way systems, hand-sanitisation stations and increased frequency of cleaning in place since September, will help to keep everyone as safe and secure as possible.





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