The PE & Sport Department have come up with a range of exercises and workouts to help you keep fit and healthy during lockdown. Take a look below at our fifth workout – try it this weekend at home!
Workout 5
Skipping and Press-Up Challenge
Try this challenge once or twice a week and build up to the ultimate goal of completing 1000 skips and 100 press-ups in ten minutes – which is tough!
Set yourself if with timer, rope and mat (better still, work with a partner)
Have a game plan – how many skips and press-ups in a set?
Take breaks when you need them, it is important to complete the challenge with good form
After your initial effort, you can start to set targets for progress
Try completing the whole 1000 skips/100 press-ups and time how long it takes you, you then know how much quicker you need to go!
Best of luck!