Welcome to the Second Year Blog!

Well done everyone for making it through the last few weeks. You have all done an amazing job of adapting to home learning and should be very proud of the way in which you have dealt with what is a challenging time for everyone. I hope you and your families are able to enjoy a well-deserved restful half term break!


A big well done to the following boys for reaching their merit milestones this half term!

Zaid Ahmed – 20

Xavier Fricot – 30

Alasdair McIntosh – 30

Harresh Jayanthan – 30

Trivikram Prashanth – 50


In our weekly blog this half term we are featuring an interview with one of our senior mentors. This week, thank you to Oscar Nolan, one of 2P’s mentors, for answering the questions posed by Trivikram (2P)

Do you have a mentor and why?

I would say that the closest thing I have to a mentor would probably be my mum, as she has helped to instil qualities in me such as hard work and a determination to always try my best in anything I do.

What subjects are you doing for A Levels? 

I am doing Physics, Maths, Further Maths and Art and will hopefully be studying Architecture at University next year.

Can you recommend any books that I should read?

Tales of the Otori Trilogy by Lian Hearn

Mister God, This is Anna by Sydney Hopkins (Fynn)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

How are you finding working from home?

Working from home has been difficult and I have missed face to face lessons with my teachers and peers. However, I have now got into a good routine that involves talking to friends regularly, exercise and fresh air which has helped me stay productive.

Who has influenced you the most?

I would say that my older brother has influenced me the most as I have always looked up to him. A healthy competitive nature in our relationship has had a great effect on my hobbies and attitude to life.

How would you approach the unknown?

I think when approaching the unknown it is important to keep talking to people around you, let them know when you are struggling and let them help you. It is much easier to approach the unknown with friends and family around you.

How do you encourage innovative ideas in your form?

I think the best way to encourage innovation is to make sure you have time in form period for discussions and debates about current issues and ideas.


Lots of you donned your aprons and cooked along with Hampton Head Chef Paulie to make some delicious nachos! Thank you to Connor (2P) and Elliot (2H) for sending in pictures of their Nachos – they look great guys well done!


Let’s hear more about it from Zaid, Raphael and Avi:

On Thursday 11 February we had a fewer screens day. The point of the day was to have some time off our screens, and engage in some fun activities. In our German lesson we made acrostic poems in German about our favourite book or something we like to watch on television. In Latin, we created our own God and made a poster about it. In RS, we were asked to choose any topic in Religion or Philosophy, and sculpt, paint, draw, or write about it. I chose to write about a question in Philosophy. “Does one’s name influence the person they become?”  For me, RS was the highlight of the day. I really enjoy debating philosophical questions. I think that this fewer screens day was a big success. It is definitely vital to get a break from screens every now and again. I personally really enjoyed it and I hope we get more days like this in the future. Zaid (2P)


Yesterday we had a screen free day where instead of having teams meetings and doing the usual tasks we had a day to be a little more creative. We could relax a bit more and have more fun doing the tasks. I hope we do this again as it was very relaxing. Activities included making music from everyday objects and cooking a Spanish themed dinner. I appreciate Hampton for letting us do this, I loved the day and can’t wait for it to happen again. Raphael (2W)

This week throughout the School on Thursday it was screens free day. It was really entertaining to do activities which were interesting but not covered in the standard curriculum, like origami in Maths and designing a god or temple in Latin. The day was really fun and I think could become a regular event soon if lockdown continues. Avi (2H)

Here are just some examples of what you did!

  • 2B were set a self-portrait challenge

  • Trivikram (2P) designed a Greek God

  • Elliot (2H) tried his hand at origami in Maths

  • Mitul (2L) created an ‘orchestra’ of household objects

  • Hector, Nathaniel and Rohan (2P) were busy designing river model


Last week we challenged you to cook up a brilliant breakfast. Thank you for sending in your photos, there was a great variety of breakfasts on show! Take a look at the tasty treats created by Rueben (2J), Joseph (2J)  and Raphael (2W):


We also set you the challenge of taking an interesting picture of an ordinary item in your home. Well done to Avi (2H) for his photo of some Uno cards!



Calling all budding authors! Do you fancy seeing your name in print? Have you always wanted to be a published author? Well now’s your chance as you’ve still got plenty of time to put pen to paper in this year’s Creative Writing Awards.

Take a listen to Maxi from our School Captains team to find out more:

To enter, write a short action adventure story of no more than 1,000 words and email your entry to CreativeWritingAwards2021@hamptonschool.org.uk by Friday 26 February. So why not make the most of your free time over half term and get creative – you could win a book voucher and have your work published in Lion Print magazine. What are you waiting for? Have a go!

All information can be found on the Firefly section for the Creative Writing Awards link below:



Have a go at our weekly trivia questions and send in your answers for a merit!

This week’s questions have been set by Trivikram (2P) and are based on plastic pollution

  1. How many micro plastics are there in the sea (approx.)?
  2. How many marine animals are killed each year due to plastic pollution?
  3. How much plastic is produced each day?
  4. How many plastic bottles end up in landfill each day?
  5. How much plastic do people eat each year (through the ecosystem)?

Guess the close-up!

Last week’s picture was: CHEEK CELLS

What is this a picture of?

Answers to last week’s trivia questions!

  • How many ipv4 addresses are possible in the world? 4.2 billion!
  • True or false: The internet is the same as the world wide web. False
  • Does skype run on the world wide web? No, it runs on the internet
  • What is the fastest download speed in the world, as of August 2020? 178,000 gbps!
  • What doe DNS stand for? Domain Name System
  • How long is the SEA-ME-WE-2 submarine cable? 18,751km

Enjoy a well-deserved rest over half term!


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