Three of Hampton’s journalists have scooped awards in this year’s Young Reporter Scheme. Fourth Years Jamie Reger and Tom Scott, along with Lower Sixth pupil and Hampton Sports Chronicle editor, Josh Bartholomew, were named as winners, by an independent external judging panel of journalists and editors.
Newsquest coordinator and organiser of the competition, Ms Diana Jarvis, congratulated the Hamptonians on their success:
The standard of writing from Hampton this year was exceptional and the judges were impressed by the quality of articles put forward by the pupils.
As always the boys are extremely enthusiastic and are a pleasure to work with.Their confidence in researching and writing articles is outstanding.
This year, 500 pupils from 47 schools across London and the South East participated in the online programme, which enables teenagers to gain experience in researching and writing eight different journalism assignments in a range of categories, including News, Feature and Interview. The pupils have to meet strict publication deadlines between September and April. All the articles are published online here (you can find the Hamptonians’ writing online by searching by pupil name or Hampton School).
Prizes are awarded for the best writing within different categories. Hampton’s winners will find out which categories they won later this month.
Well done to everyone who took part in this year’s Young Reporter scheme.
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