Welcome to the First Year Blog!
A slightly shorter week this week and e-Hampton has been buzzing with VE Day preparations and celebrations. Twitter has been flooded with wonderful stories and memories in the #HamptonSchoolRemembers series. Remember to take a look at the virtual tour of the School, find out what the Basketball courts were used for and how trenches were dug in the school playing fields!
Follow the World War Two trail here and take a look at the some of the stories from the Hampton community of their family memories and experiences here.
This week’s challenge, set by our First Year Tutor Team, was to make a Michelin Star inspired Beans on Toast. The winners are announced below:
1B – Gabriel K
1H – Avi B
1L – Evan R deconstructed Beans on Toast
A special mention to Arun B for his incredible NHS rainbow!
1P – Connor H
1W – Rayan R’s Beanie on toast!
Take a look at some of your wonderful creations here:
Given the fact we are not currently in school, and many of you will be helping out with cooking at home more than usual (and making some new dishes by the sounds of things!), Mr Hill is giving another week to get any recipes into our charity cookbook, which we will be releasing after half term. Please do send them (and the permission slip) into t.hill@hamptonschool.org.uk. For more information, please click here
Thank you for all your sterling efforts so far!
Miss Mimnagh has set up her own remote workstation with her two Budgies, Chip and Disco keeping her company.
Here are her top three tips for a successful working from home routine:
- Make sure you take lots of little breaks throughout the day. Staring at a screen for a long period of time can be painful for your eyes.
- Go out and get some fresh air – either at lunchtime or once School has finished. It always makes me feel good to go for a little walk outside, particularly if it’s sunny.
- Have a little afternoon snack. I always get a bit of a slump around mid-afternoon but I’ve found that the best way to help with this is to have a small healthy snack. A banana is the perfect pick-me-up!
1H have sent in some questions to ask Miss Mimnagh this week:
- What are the names of your budgies?
One’s called Chip and the other is called Disco. They’re very naughty and love sitting on my laptop or shoulders when I’m working. They can actually talk and pick up new words really quickly so you’ve got to be quite careful what you say around them!
- What is your favourite thing to drink throughout the day?
I like to start my day off with a nice strong coffee and then have lots of tea throughout the day.
- What’s your favourite plant?
I’ve become a bit obsessed with houseplants recently. They’re slowly taking over my home! My favourite is my Monstera deliciosa or Swiss Cheese plant because it makes me feel like I’m in a jungle. You can see it on camera behind me in my Live sessions!
- How organised is your workspace?
It’s actually surprisingly organised – you can see it in my picture. All I need is my laptop, a pen and a notebook and I’m ready to go.
- Did you always want to be a Biology teacher?
I always knew I wanted to do something related to Biology and I really enjoyed school and admired my Biology teachers whilst I was there. It just seemed like a natural choice for me and I’ve never looked back!
A British Beekeeper has made waves in the music industry using the sounds his bee populations make to electronic music! I see a Mr Roland and Mr Langton collaboration on the Hampton horizon!
Give it a listen here!
A few questions for you to have a go at yourself or challenge people at home if they know the answer. Merits are awarded for everyone who has a go! Just click on the link below and enter your answers.
- Who stands at the top of the column in Trafalgar square?
- What is the capital city of Australia?
- What is Stormzy’s (the grime artist) first name?
- What Islamic festival are Muslims currently observing?
- What British bird can be seen in the photograph below?
Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here.
Well done to Flynn T, Evan R, Monty H, Falak S, Adi S and Oliver D for their answers last week, almost all correct! Merits will be added to our remote merit log and if you have space add a merit in your old diaries!
- Name a metal that is a liquid at room temperature? Mercury or Gallium
- What is the correct term for a female cat? Queen
- Who wrote The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy? Douglas Adams
- What is the Italian word, used in music, to describe when you should play that piece loudly? Forte
- This is the flag for which African Country? Kenya
Have a great bank holiday weekend!
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