Welcome to the First Year Blog!

As we come to the end of the spring term at Hampton, our First Years have had a very memorable week. We have been very impressed with how efficiently they have worked through this week, taking on the challenges of remote learning and continuing with their lessons with as much enthusiasm as if they were in the classroom. As a country we have had to adapt to a different way of life this week and our Hamptonians have shown great resilience in doing so!


In light of recent events in the UK and around the world we thought it would be nice to think of new skills we could learn from home. This week’s challenge is writing your name in hieroglyphics.

Send your hieroglyphic names through to Mrs Halford and we will put them up on the blog after the Easter Holidays and see how many you can work out!


Last week I set you a sign language challenge and Oliver D (1J) has sent in a fantastic video. Well done Oliver! Why don’t you have a go too?


Just a reminder that boys can contact Tootoot if they have any concerns about their own well being or that of any of their friends.  They can do this either through the Tootoot app or through the website https://tootoot.co.uk/  This is in addition to the many other ways in which pupils can talk with people at School about things that might worry them.

Tootoot does not automatically reveal the sender’s name to the teachers who monitor the platform at Hampton, but simply displays their Year Group. It is not a fully anonymous system because we are obliged to be able to find out who messages are from, if they cause the teacher to be concerned about the subject. There is, therefore, a way that teachers can find out the identity of the sender if they need to do so, but they aim to respond to the messages without revealing the sender’s identity whenever possible.

Hampton Skills Challenge

The sun has been shining this week and our PE & Sport Department have been busy planning a whole range of skills and exercise challenges to keep you active. Mr Mills kicks us off with a press up challenge and Mr Chaveneau shows us some nifity footwork. Go on, give it a try!


Mrs Halford and Mrs Peattie have some top tips when it comes to working from home!

Mrs Halford was joined at her desk by her cat Saphira!


Keep emailing in your your recipes, permission slips and photographs to Mr Hill!

Stay at Home Save Lives

Thanks to our fabulous Modern Languages team for doing their bit to drive home the government’s message. Can you spot your languages teacher?


A few questions for you to have a go at yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer. If you think you know all five, email your answers to Mrs Halford.

  1. Is an avocado a fruit or a vegetable?
  2. Which famous Roman died in the Ides of March?
  3. How many Earth years does it take Jupiter to orbit the Sun?
  4. From which famous musical does the song “On My Own” come from?
  5. Who won Sports Personality of the year this year?


1. Which bird is the only bird that can fly backwards? Hummingbird
2. In which film is the famous line “Here’s looking at you, kid” said? Casablanca
3. Name the goalkeeper in the 1966 winning England team? Gordon Banks
4. Who, or what, is General Sherman? The largest single stem tree on Earth
5. From which play does the line “What you egg?” come from? Macbeth


For those geographers out there it was a map!

Have a great Easter break!

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