The Third Year had a busy first full week back of the Summer Term. We started our next PSHE topic on “Fundamental British Values” during period 3 on Thursday. Here are some other pieces of news from the week:

Third Year Special mentions

Theo J-P and Suryaksh T did a great job during the Q&A session at the Visitors’ Afternoon.

Thank you to the following for their efforts serving tea and coffee at Second Year Parents’ Evening:

Greg M

Tom S

Ali S

Khrishna W

Congratulations to the following boys in 3B and 3E for their excellent Reading Projects Results:


Lucas C – 19

Viduna D – 19

Henry F – 18

Ollie L – 19

Joshua M-H – 18

Jamie R – 18

Luke T – 19

Gregor W – 19


Suryaksh T – 19

Also, a huge well done to Ben F for his Herculean efforts in coordinating the Parents’ Evenings tea and coffee provision for this academic year.

Music Department Events

The Music Department Diary of Events for the Summer Term can be found by clicking on the link below. You are all warmly invited to attend our concerts and I am sure the boys would love to see you there if you are available! Do feel free to email me if you have any questions about any of these events.

Music Events Summer Term

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