The Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable was the latest guest to be interviewed on Hampton Radio. The former Secretary of State for Business Innovation & Skills, was invited to the radio station by Jacob Abel (5D) to speak about his personal political career and national and local issues. The programme was presented by Fabio Rossi while Alfie Watkins and Henry D’Olivera from the Fifth Year, and Second Year Oliver Pulfrey-Baker, took turns to question the veteran politician
Vince Cable spoke movingly about losing the Twickenham seat in 2015, revealing that the result was personally distressing and politically very worrying. He also commented on the financial situation, explaining that the negative impacts of ‘quantitive easing’ now needed to addressed.
Following the interview, Sir Vince joined politics students for lunch to discuss a wide-range of topics. He congratulated the Hampton pupils on their engagement with current-day issues:
It is very pleasing to see such lively and intelligent debate. It is vital that today’s young people are involved in politics so that they can influence the world that they will be entering after leaving education.
Listen to the full radio interview:
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