This year’s annual Junior Drama Production was Greenlawns in Winter, written by community playwright, Jennifer Duda, for a cast of 27 First to Fourth Year Hampton actors.
The play examines the gap between older and younger generations in today’s society and tells the story of ailing Ted Edwards, played by Patrick Silcox, who moves into the Greenlawns Residential Home after suffering a stroke.
Ted is overcome by memories of his childhood during World War Two and the loss of a childhood friend. He looks to fellow resident, Freddie, played by Pavit Kullar and the new carer at the home, Josh ( Ollie Kerr) to help him. Both characters play a pivotal role in helping Ted come to terms with the past and being able to look ahead.
Director of Performing Arts, Miss Victoria Buse, congratulated all involved:
“The cast gave a truly accomplished performance, taking the audience on an emotional journey through Ted’s life. There were moments of great sensitivity: dealing with the loss of family following bombing raids, alongside extremely humorous residential home ‘chase’ sequences. Special mention must go to Matt Mundy and Shahin Revanzi for their comical characters (a highly-strung and effeminate entertainer, Graham, working alongside the proud and pedantic residential home manager, Jeremy), and Jack Lucas must also be congratulated for his hilarious performance as Mrs Weavil-Hauxby and his highly entertaining tap sequence to conclude the show.”
Photos: BigImagePhotography
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