Discover Hampton – trailer
12 January 2024
Step into the classroom and see just how enjoyable teaching and learning can be. Engaging with lively and intellectually curious young minds, we join Hampton's Maths, Chemistry, History, Music, English and Modern Languages teachers who all think they have the best job in the world. Enjoy joining our classes - and we hope you learn lots along the way.

Stepping back in time with History
5 March 2024
Mary, Mary, quite contrary! Step back in time to the Tudor period with Hamptonians investigating the five-year reign of Mary I - aka Bloody Mary – with Head of History Mr Roberts. Discussion and debate are warmly encouraged in the Hampton history classroom and, as you’ll hear, evaluating sources ranging from nursery rhymes to historical extracts, Second Year and Lower Sixth pupils question whether England's first female monarch deserved all her bad press.

The Marvels of Music
27 February 2024
The joy of collaborative music-making lies at the core of Hampton's music education. Tune into this episode of Discover Hampton to join Miss Mattinson, Head of Academic Music, introducing our First Year and Upper Sixth musicians to active-learning and the exhilarating experience of performing alongside their peers. Delve into the contrasting junior and senior music lessons; from the exciting beats of West African Drumming to unravelling the complexities behind the success of Big Band Jazz – and witness the multiple rewards that learning music can bring.

The Power of Poetry
20 February 2024
Join English teacher Mr Baker sharing his love of poetry with Third Year and Sixth Form Hamptonians. He says: on a purely human level, alongside the joy of reading a superb book – I cannot think of a more enjoyable way of better understanding yourself and the world in which we live. Poetry is about human nature and society – in most cases exploring how we think, feel, and behave towards others in every imaginable context and circumstance.

Building Batteries on Chemistry
6 February 2024
Second Year and Upper Sixth Formers are in the Chemistry laboratory building their own batteries. Around since 1799, batteries are everywhere in our day-to-day life and could be key to moving away from fossil fuels for transportation and power generation - an essential topic for all our young chemists.

Loving Languages
30 January 2024
Hola, Bonjour, Guten Tag, Ni Hao, Privet! Step into the Modern Languages Department for a flavour of how we teach French, German, Mandarin, Russian and Spanish at Hampton. It's all about the spoken word and most Hamptonians leave school able to converse in at least one language thanks to our brilliant teachers who are passionate about young people connecting and engaging with the world around them.

The Magic of Maths
23 January 2024
In this episode of 'Discover Hampton', we meet Hampton teacher Mr Griller whose love of Maths is infectious. Today’s lesson is all about combinatorics – a kind of clever counting! Join us in the classroom as Mr Griller shows his pupils how to apply strategies and short cuts to help them count without actually needing to do all the hard work – why not have a go at the questions yourself?