School life has continued at its usual brisk pace this week and the First Year boys have continued to seize the opportunities on offer. We started the week with a moving Remembrance Assembly and we hope the boys enjoyed their first experience of this at Hampton – it is always a very important part of the School calendar.

There were some successful match performances at the weekend and I was pleased to receive this summary of the U12D match from Stanley K (1B):

On Friday the U12D team won against City of London school 5-1. Henry F (1H) shot a bullet into the top left corner and then scored again. Joe M (1P) slid in and scored, and then James M (1J) and Zakir M (1J) scored as well, making us 5-1 up. That win puts U12Ds at 3 out of 3 games won and a +13 goal difference!  Well done everyone!

It is lovely to hear that the boys are enjoying their matches and I would urge them to keep sending match reports through for the blog. We always enjoy hearing about how they have gone.

It has been a very positive week on the merit front – the boys have certainly kept Mr Hill busy on collection days! Well done to the following on their certificates: Kessan K (1H), Edmund N (1H), Marcus P (1H), Sohan B (1J), Columbus C (1J), Benedict F-C (1J), Alec H (1J), Olly S (1J), Alastair W (1J), Michael R (1L), Ronit R (1P), Freddie S (1P), Thomas T (1P), Ollie D (1W), Gabriel F (1W), Vaibhav N (1W) and Umar K (1B).

It was great to see that some of the boys had a go at our puzzle last week (and that some got the tricky problem correct!). Here is another one for this week:

Twenty-four red socks and twenty-four blue socks are lying in a drawer in a dark room. What is the minimum number of socks I must take out of the drawer which will guarantee that I have at least two socks of the same colour?

Any boy who thinks they have the answer should come and see us in the RS Office to check and collect a merit if they have worked out the answer.

Finally, congratulations to Sam C (1L) on being awarded this week’s Tutee of the Week! Well done, Sam!

Best of luck to the boys who have matches this weekend and we look forward to hearing all about them on Monday.

Miss G. Russell

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