Welcome to the Second Year Blog!

I can’t believe there are only three full weeks left of School – it’s gone so quickly! (For me anyway, I’m not sure if you’d all agree…!) Assessments are finished, the sun is out, ties are off, and the mood is good in the Second Year!

This week’s trip saw the Second Year travelling first to Hounslow Mosque, before a quick picnic in the park and a visit to Saint Anne’s Church in Kew. I was lucky enough to attend the trip  and we all had a brilliant time and learnt a lot – thank you to everyone involved in organising the trip. We’ve got reports on both the recent trips in this week’s Blog – so read on to find out more!

Next week is the Summer Show Once Upon a Pine: The Adventures of Pinocchio so a huge good luck to everyone involved and I’m sure we’re all looking forward to hearing more about it in next week’s blog.

Message from Mrs Owen:

Please remember to buy a new ‘middle school’ tie for September! These can be purchased using the school delivery option or from the shop, which is open throughout the summer, including Saturdays. 

For information, the next school delivery is Wednesday 21 June (cut-off for orders is Sunday 18 June) and the last school delivery will be Wednesday 5 July (cut-off for those orders is Sunday 2 July).

Tutor Question of the Week

This week the pupils wanted to know…

Would you rather have your entire lifetime of experiences converted into a movie that you can watch whenever you want to remember them, or your life turned into a book that can be read whenever you wish?

Movie: Miss Holt, Miss Bryant, Miss Winstock (if it uses a point-of-view shot, but otherwise a book!), Mr Worrall

Book: Mrs Owen, Miss Tiller, Miss Mattinson

2W and Mr Hooper have gone for the most wholesome answer: “if anything is being made we’re happy”.

Have you ever had a burning question you’ve always wanted to ask your form tutors, then please send your suggestions for next week’s Tutor Question Time to b.tiller@hamptonschool.org.uk.

RS Trip to Mosque and Church 

On Thursday 15 June the entire Second Year went to a mosque in Hounslow and a church in Kew to learn more about them. We did our first three periods and then everyone headed to the buses. It was a 20 min drive to the mosque where we listened to and asked questions to one of the Imams. Using the I formation we had to fill in a sheet about the interesting facts we had learned. After the trip to the mosque we had a snack and drove to the church. Upon arrival we were greeted by the vicar and then proceeded to do a Q&A with him. Next, we answered the questions about the church on the sheet using the facts we learned at 6 different stations around the church and that was the end of the exciting trip. 

By Max D (2L)

Geography Trip to Cuckmere

Last week, we went on a Geography trip to River Cuckmere, learning about the formations of the lower course and how humans have impacted the natural course of the river over the last 200 years! The main thinking question of the trip was “Is the River Cuckmere’s lower course that of a ‘typical’ river?” and, as Josh G wrote last week, we researched the river throughout the trip and answered that question towards the end. We planned our route at the start using an Ordinance Survey map, and started our walk on Point 1, High and Over, near a 180° viewing point – using the amazing view to form our first impressions of the river. The lower course of the river mainly covers Seven Sisters Country Park, which comprises chalk cliffs, open grassland, and many of the features of the lower course of a river (such as meanders and oxbow lakes – I will explain these in more detail later).

We also learnt about different types of data sampling – random (choosing sample sites at random), systematic (collecting data at different intervals/times) and stratified (selecting sample points based on area/features/population – we will use this for the trip). Next, Site 2 was the Oxbow Lake and Meander near Brook Hole Bottom. One of the Oxbow Lakes in this area was a very strange one – it was a different shape (an O shape rather than a C) than most. Additionally, there were scars of other old oxbow lakes as well – one way in which this lower course is not like others).

Another part of the river (Site 3 and 4) actually had scum forming on top of it – a sign that there was no current here anymore. The reason for this was because humans have dug a straight alternative route for the river and constructed a levee (even though this is gradually eroding away due to a lack of active management) – a wall to prevent flooding in the area and enable farming and grazing. This has the side effect of forming scum on isolated parts of the river (which do not have current). A typical river does not have levees and scum formation like this – showing that River Cuckmere’s Lower Course is not that of a typical river.

Site 5 was the Salt Marsh near Shingle Beach which is an ecosystem of Halophytic (salt-tolerant) plants which can cope with very little oxygen. Originally, the entirety of Cuckmere Haven would have looked like it, but most of it was drained during the Medieval Times. This is another factor that River Cuckmere’s lower course is not that of a typical river – most of the natural floodplain was drained before.

Overall, the River Cuckmere trip was a fantastic experience, and I would like to thank the entire Geography department for organising it – in my opinion, it was a very well structured and planned trip. I am definitely looking forward to future trips like this!

By Theo L (2L)

Charity Quiz

Next week in Room G15, 2B are hosting a Charity Quiz for Second and Third Year pupils. The questions were written by Rory M and Krishang T and cover a wide range of topics, from sport to literature. It is designed to test even the most professional quizzer. The entry fee is £2 per group with a maximum of 3 people per group. The top 4 teams move on to a semifinal and then the final to win a pack of Maltesers for each person in your team. If you are interested in entering, come on Tuesday the 20 June, come to G15 from 12:35 to 1:10pm.

By Rory M (2B)

Good Luck Quizzers

This year, one of the Lower School quiz teams have reached the National Finals. It takes place on Monday. Our B team reached the finals as our A team were knocked out on the way there. However, they are still on standby if someone is sick. For the last few weeks, the quiz team have been training for the finals in fun quiz sessions. I believe our team is very strong and we can win the National Finals. I look forward to updating you after the final!

By Umair M (2L)

Best of luck to Alexander L (2F)William D (2J) and Svajan G (2H) who, along with First Year Hamptonians, will be competing in next week’s National Finals. Buzz well boys!

Weather changes 

This week, we experienced a much hotter week than we are used to. In Hampton, we have changed the school uniform for this week to help with the heat. In this article, I will explore some ways that you can deal with this coming heatwave.

One way to deal with the heat is drinking lots of water.  It is advised to drink 1.2 to 1.5L a day, so make sure you visit the drinkable taps around school, as well as filling up your bottle. Another way to keep cool is to try and stay indoors. Indoors is much cooler than the outdoors, and the shade can help against the heat from the sun. Fans are also a great way to stay cool. In most classrooms there is at least one fan, and these can be a great defence against the heat of the sun. On the topic of sun, wearing sun cream is essential in this weather. As the sun comes out more, we are exposed to more UV light, and so have a higher chance of getting burnt. Wearing sun cream will help stop you getting burnt. Although the sun is a welcome sight, remember to keep these things in mind whilst out and about.

By Kai W (2L)

Subject of the week: RS

The subject of the week is RS. Not only did some of us receive our assessments back, we have been making films on Jesus. During the lesson we were put in groups of four or five and started to plan our films. We could do many different types of shows. For example, we could do an interview, a film, the news, and movie etc. This year we have covered a variety of topics, such as Ethics, Christianity, Islam and the Problem of Evil.

By Jayden C (2L) 

Club of the Week: Pixil Art Club 

Pixil Art Club takes place on Monday and is hosted by Mrs Scorer and Max Dexter. It starts at 1:10 and is open to Lower School pupils. At Pixil Art Club, you create Pixil arts based on the weekly topic. These topics can vary from video games, to tv shows to real life things. For example, one of the weeks I went, we made drawings of Shrek. It is a very fun experience and soon it will be open to Senior pupils. If you ever have a free lunchtime, you should go give it a try. It takes place in G70.

By Zachariya I (2L)


The summer show, Once Upon a Pine: The Adventures of Pinocchio, is going to be performed by members of the Lower School year on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 June,

Tickets are FREE!

Book tickets here (there will also be some free tickets for pupils available on the door each night).

We hope to see many of you there enjoying what looks set to be a humorous and heart-warming show!


We absolutely love being able to celebrate your achievements, so please make sure you send anything you’re proud of to: 

Last weekend Finley took part in the trials for the London Youth Games cycling team. He has been selected to represent Kingston Borough in the Cycling Time Trial event at the Olympic Park on 1st July.

Attached is a photo of him at the trial – well done, Finley!


The Second Year Joke Competition continues to bring those who come to Blog Club a good laugh, thank you for all your submissions! This week the winning joke was submitted by Umair M (2L) Congratulations, you’ve won a Merit!

What do you call a cow that plays a piano?

A MOOsician 

We will be continuing the competition next week; you can enter by emailing b.tiller@hamptonschool.org.uk . If your joke gets a mention in the blog, then you can collect a merit from your form tutor. Remember to use your name and form otherwise you won’t get any credit for entering.

Try your best to crack us up – good luck!


Well done to everyone who had a go at last week’s quiz. Merits go to:

2J: Kian IB, Jake O’R

2L: Olly P, Haadi H, Kai W

2H: AJ C

2B: Kiran G, Rory E, Daniel M

2F: Ollie N

2W: Oliver S, Sanjit B

Take a look at this week’s questions below, have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer. Points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries over the term.

This week’s questions come from Umair M and Kai W (2L). Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Here are the answers from last week’s quiz

  1. How many countries don’t have an airport? 5
  2. Where is the original London Bridge now (country)? USA
  3. Name a country that doesn’t have red, white or blue in their flag? Jamaica, Sri Lanka (maroon, not red)
  4. Who won Eurovision 2022, bonus point for where they came this year? Ukraine and sixth place
  5. Which movie did Eminem win an Oscar for, but never turned up to the awards (hint the songs name is “Lose Yourself”)? 8 mile

Have a great weekend!

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