Welcome to the First Year Blog!

Another week has flown by, and it is hard to believe it is now only two weeks until the half term break! This week, First Year pupils learned about Mascha Nachmansson’s story in their PSHE lessons, and reflected on her experiences during the Holocaust as part of the School’s programme for today’s Holocaust Memorial Day. The First Years wrote letters to Mascha’s daughter Jeanette who will be visiting the School next week.

Away from lessons, this week was a very exciting one for our U12B Footballers, who played in round 4 of their ESFA cup. Congratulations are in order as they have now reached the round of 16 of their competition after an impressive win on penalties (5-4!) yesterday – well done boys!


This term our blog writes will be interviewing their mentors! This week Gabriel K-S (1B) interviewed one of his mentors, James O’D (U6CJB).

What are you studying?

History, Geography and Drama.

Do you remember your first day at Hampton?

All I remember is having French with Mr Chaveneau. I think it was quite fun and I remember watching a video to introduce Mr Chaveneau and French.

Do you enjoy being a mentor?

Yes, it’s great fun. Hopefully, you lot (1B) will show how good I am!! Hopefully, I help keep you all in check. I know that being a mentor also helps make me stay in line as I don’t want to make a bad impression!

What sport do you do and why?

Rugby, because I enjoy it.  The camaraderie in rugby is the best part of the sport. The atmosphere in the locker room after winning a match (especially at another school) is the best feeling!

What is your opinion on food?

I love food. It’s quite important to know how to cook a few meals as well as a range of meals. You have to cook a range of meals so you can have a good diet that keeps you healthy.

Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which and do you enjoy it?

I have played the drums at school since Second Year. That is one lesson per week for six years! It has been often been the highlight of my week. I also do Senior Rock Band which is a lot of fun and very enjoyable.


There are now less than two weeks to go until the first performances of this year’s Junior Musical: Joseph! It promises to be a spectacular show, with very few tickets remaining on sale! Zac C (1H) updates us on how the preparations are going:

Over the last few months, myself and others have participated in the Hampton Junior production. The musical is the story of Joseph, a book in the Old Testament of the Bible. The cast stretches from First Years to Fourth Years, and includes girls from Waldegrave School. I have enjoyed the time I have spent on it as it is the first professional production that I have taken part in. I’m looking forward to performing on the big night(s): why don’t you come and watch! 

Tickets are still available for this year’s Junior School Musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! The joint cast of Hamptonians and Waldegrave pupils will bring this magical musical to life. Performances take place on Tuesday 7, Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 February and tickets can be booked here.


It sounds like there’s been plenty of exciting debate in the Hampton House of Commons, Oliver Y (1P) tells us more:

At the beginning of the House of Commons Club, our Prime Minister resigned (the coalition between the Green Party, Liberal Democrats Party and the SNP Union of 29). This meant that our coalition lost the majority and the coalition between the Labour Party and the Conservative Party (30) became the new party in control. This week, we were debating on two educational policies.

The first one was the Green Party who wanted to make education for all children in the United Kingdom fair, by removing funds from the Independent Schools. There was a claim from the Leader of our coalition that this was a fast and effective method, that will have immediate impact on education for all children. There were many objections from the coalition, commenting that this is not a great way of making education fairer and better and this will affect the great facilities of many Independent Schools. After 10 minutes of debating, there was a vote to see if the idea had been put forward and if it will be actioned. The result was 29-30, which meant that the idea had unfortunately not been put forward.

Time for the second education policy, the Conservative Party suggested to give our coalition two billion pounds to spend on education for Comprehensive Schools to reduce the gap between the Comprehensive Schools and the Independent Schools of the UK. This was their idea and their method to reduce the gap between the schools. Claiming this policy is far more effective and quicker than the Green Party’s method to reduce the gap between them, the opposition argued that two billion pounds was not enough to fund all the State Schools in the UK. After another 10 minutes of debating, there was another vote. The result was 29-30, which meant that the idea had unfortunately also not been put forward.

This club is a really fun debating club on different policies in parliament. Come to the Lecture Theatre on Monday at 12:35 for some debating! 


Every Friday, I have been going to Climbing Club, which has been extremely interesting as we’ve been climbing across a wall trying to race and climbing up attempting not to fall off. I was dangling off the wall for a minute, trying to find a foothold when I fell off. I would recommend to anyone interested in adventure. By Shishir V (1J)


Every week, the First Year Tutor team nominate a boy who they have been particularly impressed with, and Mr Hill and Mrs Peattie provide him with a football to use on the fields for the week!

This week’s tutee of the week is Sebastian W (1B) as Miss Alishaw, Mr Fuldner, Mr Hill and Mrs Peattie have been impressed with him always being really helpful and kind and getting on with everything school-related with positive energy and in a sensible way. Congratulations, Seb!


We love to hear about what you have been getting up to outside of school and to celebrate your successes in the First Year Blog! Please do send any information about any of your achievements through to Mr Fuldner (d.fuldner@hamptonschool.org.uk).


An impressive 34 First Year Hamptonians had a go at last week’s quiz, well done to everyone who had a go! Form 1J are crowned weekly champions with a fantastic 8 entries. Merits go to:

1P: Oliver Y, Ollie B, Lucas T

1J: Henry S, Danyal P, David W, Josh B, Rohan K, Siddhant S, Shishir V, Ollie S

1L: Armaan V, Macsen B, Konrad G, Rajvir S

1W: Huw C, Dean B, Vayun J, Yusuf F, Alex P, Kiran L, Isaac d Q

1B: Gabriel K S, Sebastian W, Joe B, Alex G, Jiashan L

1H: George S, James N, Matthew K

1F: Oscar F, Daniel S, Aiden F, Joshua A

Take a look at this week’s questions – have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer.

  1. How many spice options are there at Nandos?
  2. What part of a plant conducts photosynthesis?
  3. Which Scottish actress plays Nebula in the Guardians of the Galaxy series of films?
  4. Which two houses were involved in the War of the Roses?
  5. What is the capital of New Zealand?

Merits are awarded for everyone who has a go! Just click on the link below and enter your answers; points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries every week.

Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Take a look at next week’s blog to find out the answers and here are the answers to last week’s questions:

  1. In what modern day country was Nikola Tesla born? Croatia
  2. How many F1 Drivers’ Championships has Lewis Hamilton won (a joint record with Michael Schumacher)? 7
  3. Which Apollo moon mission was the first to carry a lunar rover? Apollo 15
  4. Who was the architect who rebuilt London after the Great Fire of 1666? Sir Christopher Wren
  5. Which character does Ewan McGregor play in the Star Wars series? Obi-Wan Kenobi

Remember to write your name in the form so you can be credited with merits!

Have a great weekend!

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