Hampton has been named as a Beacon School for Holocaust Education by UCL’s Centre for Holocaust Education.
The accreditation means that Hampton will serve as a hub of a network of local schools, helping to develop excellence in Holocaust teaching and learning.
Paul Salmons, who is the Programme Director at the UCL Centre for Holocaust Education praised Hampton for its outstanding level of teaching about the Holocaust and other genocides:
“Staff and pupils are at the leading edge of this field in developing practical classroom solutions to the enormous challenge of how to relate the Holocaust to other genocides. I am extremely proud that, as a UCL Beacon School, Hampton is pioneering new approaches to learn from the history of the Holocaust in order to strengthen efforts towards genocide prevention, and is sharing this with other schools in the UCL Beacon School networks.”
Led by History teacher, Mr Andy Lawrence, Hampton School has promoted and facilitated survivor testimonies; inviting those who lived through the Holocaust and other genocides to share their stories with the next generation. The School also hosts an annual Holocaust Memorial event for local schools and community members.
Hampton pupils are also very active in this field and have formed the nationally acclaimed genocide awareness campaign – Genocide80Twenty. The action group includes pupils from every year group; they have visited the House of Commons and produced books and teaching resources to address the lack of awareness about genocide amongst young people.
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