Sixth Form Hamptonian Felix Lyon has recently had an app published on Apple’s App Store, a fantastic achievement for the senior pupil.

Felix had the idea in his first couple of years at Hampton, when he was keen to keep on top of his homework assignments, find an alternative to writing tasks down and help with his general organisation, however there was nothing online that supported him. After sitting his GCSEs in the summer of 2022, he decided to do something about the gap in the market and spent a few months learning Swift, the Apple app programming language, using online tutorials run by Stanford University. Felix then planned and designed the app from concept to delivery, and Apple accepted his design just before his 17th birthday.

The productivity app, called TaskSensei, was published by Apple last year and is now available on the App Store. The app is free and is designed for pupils aged 11 to 16 and uses an algorithm which helps young people organise and manage their homework assignments. Each morning it suggests a list of tasks to be completed based on when an assignment is due, breaking activities down into more manageable pieces of work. The app also records progress and users can customise the background and colour themes. Felix is already working on his next app development as part of his A Level coursework and hopes to study Computer Science at university when he leaves Hampton this summer.

Mr Nick Stebbings, Acting Head of Maths and Felix’s Form Tutor, praised the Hamptonian on his achievement:

When I heard that Felix had created this app in his free time, I was incredibly impressed but truth be told not surprised. Felix is a brilliant Hamptonian, academically excellent, represents the school for football, a senior mentor as well as being humble, interesting and a really nice young man. I am looking forward to seeing what else Felix creates in his fledging digital designing career.


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