Welcome to the Second Year Blog!

This week many boys celebrated Diwali and we all enjoyed the fireworks in the evenings. We have a report explaining the Hindu festival today. Meanwhile, in School, Second Year set the world alight with their intelligence and sharp wit: the B team took part in the Junior Quiz competition this week and a group crossed the 3G for a MUN introduction at LEH, debating capital punishment. A crew of keen linguists joined the Russian taster course too. In sport, today we have a stirring report on the U13B team’s loss to Glynn School (they were robbed!).

Looking to next week, grab your ticket for a night of murder and witchcraft performances of Shakespeare’s Macbeth on Tuesday and Wednesday. Break a leg all you Second Year thespians. In sport, we have the Middlesex Festival rugby tournament on Monday and so we expect a full and mud-splattered report on that next week too. Blog Club is on Wednesday at 1.20 pm in F67 so please come along if you’d like to contribute.


Another bumper week for merits! Well done to the following Second Years:

Academic Merits

Joe Lloyd – 10 

Ollie Syers – 10 

Lucas Bennell – 10 

Ollie Barclay – 10 

Rohan Kothandapani – 10 

Kevin Khang -10 

Lewis Hendrey – 10 

Marcus Panditharatna – 20 

Leon Young – 10 

Benjamin Jonas – 10 

Adharsh Arun – 10 

Josh Kim – 20 

Josh Button – 20 

Patrick Hobbs – 40 

Armaan Virdee – 50 (first trip of the year to see Mr Knibbs!)

Lion Merits

Oscar Schofield – 10

Celebrating Diwali

Diwali or Deepavali, as it’s called in the South of India, is the annual Hindu Festival of Lights, but is celebrated by all religious groups all over India. It’s often celebrated with diyas – Indian candles – prayer, delicious food, and fireworks. A tradition a lot of families including mine have is to give all your friends boxes of Indian sweets, like my personal favourite Kaju Katli, made of cashews. This year, my family and I also invited a couple people over to light fireworks together, which is probably most people’s favourite part of Diwali.

By Shishir V (2J)

Russian Taster Course

I went to a Russian taster session last Tuesday for the first time and didn’t really know what to expect. On the first week we were doing mainly the alphabet and learning a few words. I was so excited that I told my friends all the words that I knew and practised it whenever I got the chance. I went back the next Tuesday and we were learning numbers! Russian may not be the easiest language and I know that for a fact as there are 33 letters but it is still fun and engaging. Come along at F21 Tuesdays at 12:35! Who knows maybe you’ll even do it next year?

By Josh B (2J)

Tutor Question of the Week 

Each week the pupils decide on a question to ask all the Second Year form tutors. This week’s question comes from Vayun J (2W):

If you could be in any movie in real life, what would it be?

  • Harry Potter
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Star Wars
  • Back to the Future

Miss Tiller and Mrs Whitwam (Professor McGonegal on a good day) picked Harry Potter.

Mrs Owen wants to be a Jedi in Star Wars.

MUN Taster 

Last Friday I attended the Hampton and LEH MUN introduction because I was interested in learning how to debate. MUN is the Model United Nations, a copy of the very real United Nations but a version where people of our age groups can learn what it is like. I had a blast researching and then debating over different statements which we were thinking to add to the draft resolution. What is a resolution you say? A resolution is a formal opinion on a topic which a country attending UN would submit. Amendments, on the other hand, are changes that other countries want to make in that resolution. An amendment could want to change clauses, add clauses or even take away clauses.

In the afternoon,we debated all the amendments and we took turns giving our opinion as to why that amendment should or should not pass into the resolution. We had to finally vote whether the resolution should pass, and it did! I would highly recommend trying out the MUN club if you are interested in debating and going to the next Hampton and LEH MUN in January.

By Max G (2W)

Woodwind Concert

Fantastic to see some of our Second Year musicians take to the Hammond Theatre stage this week in the annual Woodwind Concert. Take a listen below to some of the fantastic music at the concert and see if you can spot any Second Year Hamptonians:

Football report U13B team

On Monday this week, Hampton U13B team went up against Glynn School on the 3G. The game started off with Glynn slotting the ball into the bottom corner. 1-0. After 15 minutes of impressive play, Glynn scored a goal on the counter, resulting in 2-0. The half ended with this score. The next half started off with Glynn scoring from a corner. 3-0. Then, after a well-formed attack, Henry S scored an out of the box finish with his right foot. All of a sudden, Glynn School scored two goals and the score was 5-1. Then, to our delight, Zidan A hit the ball from outside the box, and with a slight deflection, the ball flew into the bottom corner. The match ended as 5-2 to Glynn School but we are determined to beat Ibstock Place A team!

By Benjamin J (2W)

Geography Lesson

This week, our Geography lessons have been interesting, learning about the shrunken Aral Sea, situated on the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The volume of the Aral Sea has shrunk by 80% in the last forty years and the freshwater lake has turned into a lake of complete salt. We are currently looking at how the Aral is deeply impacting local people, due to the Sea decreasing in size over the decades and the solutions to try bringing back the Aral Sea to its original size and state. Furthermore, we learnt about how the main lake sources feeding the Aral Sea is from two different countries, and they both built a dam to recover some parts of the lake in their own country. Although it might seem impossible to bring back the Aral Sea, if Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan come together with the same plan, then it would be likely. Overall, I really enjoyed learning about the interesting lake in Central Asia during our Geography lessons.

By Oliver Y (2P)

Badminton Club 

FUN! FUN! FUN! All I can think at Badminton Club is (I am sure you have guessed it) FUN! In my opinion, it is one of the best clubs Hampton school has to offer where you can hang out with your friends and have friendly competition. Badminton Club ranges from people who have never picked up a racket before to people who have loads of experience. There are coaching sessions for those who would like to improve at the game. So, if you would like to come then please join me in the Sports Hall, on Mondays, second half of lunch.

By Jai K (2J)

Anyone for croquet? 

Last week for No Limits Week, I tried out Croquet Club on the one sunny day. It runs on Wednesdays during the second part of lunch if the weather is fair and it is really fun. When I went to try it I met some new people who also wanted to try croquet out. We were split into teams and then were told how to play the game. I was surprised how competitive croquet was and how much of a team sport it really is. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to have a bit of a different experience and I would suggest bringing some friends with you to encourage the competitiveness even more. Some fun facts about croquet: people first began to play croquet around the 1850s, it was originally called “Jeu de mail” and it began its growth in popularity in the early 20th century.

By Max G (2W)

Meet Miss Holt!

Our weekly interviews, are a great opportunity for you to find found out a little bit more about your Tutors! So, thank you to Oliver Y (2P) who interviewed Miss Holt, RS and Philosophy Teacher and tutor to 2P!

What inspired you to become a Religious Studies teacher and what interests you in this subject?

My Religious Studies teacher! I thought about the subject and really enjoy considering different things from different perspectives.

What inspired you to work here at Hampton School?

When I saw the job come out, I looked on the website and saw everyone have fun whilst learning. They don’t just develop the pupils in a classroom, but also as a person and prepare you for the world.

If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be?

I think I would be a lawyer, as I had planned to train as one, and then unfortunately Covid happened.

Which subject did you enjoy the most in your school, except for Religious Studies?

My favourite subject at school was History, as I loved learning about the past, especially 20th century.

What is one of your favourite places you have visited?

Good question! I really loved Sri Lanka and I went when I was younger. I also really loved culture there.

What is your favourite hobby?

Last year, I took up pottery throwing.

What is your favourite ice cream flavour?


What is your favourite book?

I enjoyed reading Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris, as it is based on a true story. I also really enjoyed the biographical account of the event.

What three words would you use to describe yourself?

Optimistic, determined and open minded.

What is the top of your bucket list?

To see more of the world and to travel more.

Second Year gags

Have a read of some of the best jokes from some of our Second Years, collected by Vayun J (2W):

Why can’t a bicycle stand up on its own? Because it is too tired!

What do you call a skeleton explorer? India Bones

What do you call Santa when he has no pants? Saint Knickerless

What’s the difference between a rabbit and a gorilla? A rabbit looks nothing like a gorilla.

What is red and bad for your teeth? A brick


We love to hear about what you have been getting up to outside of school and to celebrate your successes in the Second Year Blog! Please do send any information about any of your achievements through to Mrs Whitwam 


Well done to everyone who had a go at last week’s quiz. Big shout out to Forms 2W and 2F with the most entries. Merits go to:

2J: Siddhant S, David W, Josh B, Shishir V, Joshua A

2L: Macsen B, Armaan V, Konrad G, Rajvir S

2W: Shiv V, Isaac d Q, Huw C, Dean B, Brooklyn N, Laurie L-T

2B: Joe B, Ekam R, Devam K, Alex G, Sebastian W

2H: James G, Joshua L, Joshua D-L, Luke F, George S

2F: Oscar F, Oscar S, Dean F, Daniel S, Ben J, Adharsh A

2P: Oliver Y, Samrith S P, Sion K

Take a look at this week’s questions – have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer. Points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries over the term.

This week’s brain-busting quiz questions come to us from Oliver Y (2P). Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Here are the answers from last week’s quiz:

  1. In what country did the first Starbucks open outside of North America? Japan
  2. In 2009, what became the first Morse code character to be added since WWII? The ‘@’ symbol
  3. What was the first Disney animated feature movie that was not based on an already existing story? The Lion King
  4. What is the national sport of Japan? Sumo wrestling
  5. What is the signature food dish served at Wimbledon? Strawberries and Cream

Have a great weekend!

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