Welcome to the Second Year Blog!

Welcome back! I hope you all had a restful half term break following on from your end of year assessments and enjoyed spending some time in the beautiful sunshine! This year has absolutely flown by, and these last few weeks are packed with some final interform events and a number of exciting trips. This week Second Year Hamptonians went on a Geography Trip to Sussex to visit the River Cuckmere which you can read more about below.

The Summer Show, Once Upon a Pine: The Adventures of Pinocchio, is approaching its final rehearsals. Please see below for more details on how to book your free ticket to come and watch Pinocchio journey to the circus and beyond in the hopes of having his wish come true.

Merit Milestones

Another bumper week for merits! Well done to the following Second Years:

AJ Coady – 30

Charlie East – 40

Theo Liang – 110 (Fantastic!)

Rory McEwan – 110  (Tremendous!)

Tutor Question of the Week

This week the pupils wanted to know…  Would you rather be 11 ft or 11 inches tall?

11 ft tall: Mrs Owen, Miss Bryant, Miss Winstock, Miss Holt, half of 2W, Mr Worrall,

11 inches tall: Miss Tiller, Mr Hooper, the other half of 2W, Miss Mattinson, Mrs Hill

Have you ever had a burning question you’ve always wanted to ask your form tutors, then please send your suggestions for next week’s Tutor Question Time to b.tiller@hamptonschool.org.uk.

Great Geography Trip!

After an hour and a half on the coach we finally arrived to the River Cuckmere. As we arrived the view from the top was in our face and stunning. At the top we studied the course of the river and thought about if the river had a normal lower course. Throughout the trip we travelled around still thinking about the question. We filled out the booklet as we went on through the heat. Despite it being hot, it was still very fun as we had time to spend with friends in between learning. Overall, the trip was fun and informative and I really enjoyed it.  Thank you to those involved in organising.

By Josh G (2L)

Summer Term Assessment Reflection

Before half term, we had the our end of year assessments – we had been revising for them for a long time! Most of the tests were around one hour, apart from some subjects (such as Modern Languages, that had a listening, reading and grammar, writing and speaking test) which had a slightly longer duration. After the assessments, personally, I felt that I did quite well on subjects that we had a lot of revision resources for (such as the sciences). Also, I was extremely glad to have finished all the assessments after such a long period of revision time – I thought that some of the tests were not as difficult as I thought they would be.

Some of the tests were quite time pressured, and some also contained a great variety of information to remember (as well as difficult problem-solving questions that truly tested one’s knowledge on the topic). However, overall most subjects gave us plenty of resources for revising, which made it easier to remember this information.

We had two non-exam slots throughout the week, which greatly helped reduce stress – they were Cricket/Softball, and Athletics Interform (along with a free revision period). I thoroughly enjoyed these events and thought it was a great chance to breathe some fresh air!

By Theo L (2B)

Return of the Deli Bar!!!!

The Deli Bar was first introduced last year during the summer and now it’s back! Head over to the space between each pudding stall and get your own sandwich. Fully customisable, have a new combination every day. A new option if you don’t like the main and definitely worth the few extra steps.

By Max D (2L)

Interform Athletics

The Friday before half term, once all the exams had finished, the Second Year went outside to     participate in the Inter-form Athletics. I myself participated in the 800 meters and, after a close start I soon fell a whole 150 meters behind. Eventually I crossed the finish line to a huge round of applause, I had come last. I also watched several other events, including the 300 meters and the 200 meters. At the end, I stepped up to participate in the relay with my form. It was a close event but we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and were not surprised to find ourselves last place, AGAIN. Congratulations to 2H who won the Inter-form and everyone who took part.

By Rory M (2B)

On the topic of interform, Jamie R (2B) has taken a photo of the trophy and explains a bit more about it below.

Pictured above is the Second Year Interform Trophy, which was kindly donated by the HSPA.

Over the 2022-23 academic year, there have been many interform competitions, including: Chess, Athletics, Football and Rugby. It will be exciting to see which form wins the trophy as it will be very close!

Artists at Home

AJ C (2H) is participating in the Artists at Home exhibition from 16-18 June. He is the youngest ever participant.

To advertise the art weekend, an art wraparound was created for an empty shop on King Street in Hammersmith on the corner of Studland Street. It can be seen by thousands of people passing there every day by foot, car, and bus. They selected one of AJ’s art pieces to use on the shop.

What an achievement, AJ! Well done!

Once Upon a Pine: The Adventures of Pinocchio

The summer show, Once Upon a Pine: The Adventures of Pinocchio, is going to be performed by members of the Lower School year on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 June,

Tickets are FREE!

Book tickets here (there will also be some free tickets for pupils available on the door each night).

We hope to see many of you there enjoying what looks set to be a humorous and heart-warming show!


We absolutely love being able to celebrate your achievements, so please make sure you send anything you’re proud of to: b.tiller@hamptonscool.org.uk


The Second Year Joke Competition continues to bring those who come to Blog Club a good laugh, thank you for all your submissions! This week the winning joke was submitted by Daniel M (2B). Congratulations, you’ve won a Merit!

What do you call a pig that does a lot of charity work?


We will be continuing the competition next week; you can enter by emailing b.tiller@hamptonschool.org.uk . If your joke gets a mention in the blog, then you can collect a merit from your form tutor. Remember to use your name and form otherwise you won’t get any credit for entering.

Try your best to crack us up – good luck!


Well done to everyone who had a go at last week’s quiz. Merits go to:

2J: Kian IB, Nihal B, Jake O’R, Alexander M

2L: Olly P, Zachariya I, Umair M

2H: AJ C

2B: Kiran G

Take a look at this week’s questions below, have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer. Points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries over the term.

This week’s questions come from Svajan G (2H). Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Here are the answers from last week’s quiz

  1. What is the average heigh of a 13 year old? 156 cm 
  2. How many earths can you fit in the sun? 890,000 
  3. What animal is on the Chinese Zodiac this year? Rabbit 
  4. What two animals can’t walk backwards? The Kangeroo and the Emu 
  5. Who were the first names of monarchs of England from 1135-1154? Stephen and Matilda 

HAVE A GREAT weekend!

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