Welcome to the Third Year Blog!

After a much needed and restorative half term break, the Third Years were back with a bang this week and it has been fantastic to see them throw themselves back into School life! Monday’s assembly was an incredibly powerful one, and the boys were glued to it throughout as Floyd Steadman, former captain of Saracens and founder of the ‘Drive Forward Foundation’, talked us through his fascinating life story and career to date. After his Rugby career, Mr Steadman has gone on to serve as Headmaster at a number of independent schools and he counts Mauro Itoje and Eddie Redmayne as former pupils. Having been taken into care at a young age, and suffered discrimination and prejudice throughout his lifetime, Mr Steadman spoke passionately about the need to have difficult conversations with friends and colleagues in order to promote societal changes.

Fast forward to Thursday, and the boys were getting their teeth into some Oracy lessons during PSHE. After a spirited, but slightly disorganised debate within their Forms, the Third Years learnt the values of high quality debating and will try and put these to good use in the weeks to come.

Coming next week – the Third Years reflect on COP26 and what we can all do to improve our carbon footprints and slow down climate change.

Heads of Year Message

MidYIS testing

Third Years sat a MidYIS test during their Computer Science lesson this week. For those boys who were absent this week, there will be another opportunity to sit the test, details of which will be announced by Form Tutors next week.

Nasal flu vaccinations

Please refer to Mr Woods’ letter in SchoolPost on Tuesday 2 November for full details regarding the Nasal Flu Vaccination which will be available to Hampton pupils in First to Fifth Year on Friday 12 November in School. A reminder that parental consent for this vaccination is required in advance and the link for Hampton School will close at midnight tonight (Friday 5 November).

The link to provide consent can be found here

Covid testing

Please continue with the programme of self-administered asymptomatic LFD testing at regular intervals (twice a week) at home. A reminder that boys must not attend the School site if:

  • they have symptoms of Covid-19 (a raised temperature; a new persistent cough; a change in sense of taste or smell)
  • they have received a positive Covid-19 test result

Boys must take a PCR test if they have any of the symptoms of Covid-19, and receive a negative result before they can return to School.

Grade Cards

October Grade Cards broadly demonstrated that the boys have made a strong start to their studies in Third Year. Form Tutors have been following up with boys this week to discuss their academic progress and to set targets where necessary. These targets are applicable to the Autumn Term Reports which parents will be able to access at the end of term.

Boys – Please remember to let us, your Form Tutors or the relevant subject teachers know if you are having any difficulties.

Have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes

Mr T Rigby & Miss V Smith

The Writers’ Room

This week saw the launch of The Writers’ Room, a creative writing workshop run by the English department. Ben R (3J) tells us more about it:

This week, an exciting new opportunity started in the English department for aspiring creative writers. Taking place on Wednesday lunchtime, the taster session introduced us to the four week course that we would be taking part in if we were to sign up. In the session we practised writing in a very short amount of time and also attempted to build a story around one object of our choosing. I found it a great experience and would encourage as many people as possible to sign up, I know I certainly will be!

Sports Reporting

Great to see our budding sports journaists writing for the Hampton Sports Chronicle. A great report this week from Joseph G (3A) reporting on a narrow defeat for the U14C team here in the match against Eton before half term.


At the start of a new half term, there are lots of exciting clubs for Third Years to try – have a look below and pick a club!

From Art Club to Cryptic Crosswords, Book Club to Badminton, why not have a go and try something new!

Question of the Week

A Maths challenge for you this week, set by our Mathematics guru himself, Mr Griller! He says:

Oops! We could not locate your form.

Submit your answer for the chance to gain a merit (parents are welcome to have a go as well!!)

Have a great weekend!

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