Welcome to the Third Year Blog!
I hope you all enjoyed a lovely half term break and managed to get out and about in the sunshine – how are your wild flowers getting along? Please do send us some photos, we’d love to see them here at the blog!
It’s back to business for the Third Year boys for the final four weeks of the School year, and we’re already one week down! The boys in 3B are looking forward to their Euro 2020 sweepstake which starts today with the first game, Turkey v Italy! Form Tutors Mr McTernan and I have managed to grab ourselves Belgium, so we’re quietly confident!
Heads of Year Message
We hope the boys enjoyed a well-deserved rest over the half term holiday. With a relatively short half term ahead of us, we hope and expect to see all boys participating in lessons and co-curricular activities with energy and enthusiasm throughout. The second half of summer term presents an excellent chance to enjoy a more relaxed approach in School whilst making the most of the full range of opportunities available at Hampton. Some examples of this have been evident already this week:
– several Third Year boys are bringing together the final elements of their Arts Award projects.
– well done to the U14A cricket team for their victory in the Second Round of the National Cup against Norwich School.
– Third Year musicians have been preparing for a busy week next week with an Orchestra recording on Monday, a Choir recording on Tuesday, and a Gamelan Workshop on Wednesday.
– Third Year dramatists have been busy rehearsing for their roles in “The Terrible Infants” summer show (which we are both looking forward to watching on Tuesday evening!)
Of course, there are also a wide range of other activities taking place, including: the interform quiz, School Council meetings, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball, athletics, tennis, rowing, book club and bee-keeping.
Boys, we hope you make the most of the remaining weeks of term. Please throw yourselves into the activities on offer. As always, do reach out to us or your Form Tutors if you are having any difficulties.
Best wishes
Miss Smith & Mr Rigby
Temporary uniform changes next week
As per the email from Mr Morris to all parents, there will be a temporary change to the dress code for the boys next week.
Given the weather forecast, which predicts very hot temperatures, boys will not be required to wear blazers or ties while in School or on their journeys to and from School throughout next week.
Continuation of Covid-19 measures in School after half term
It is important that all boys continue with the programme of self-administered LFD testing at regular intervals (twice a week) at home. As previously, boys must not attend the School site if one or more of the following applies:
- they have symptoms of Covid-19
- they have received a positive Covid-19 test result
- they live in the same household as someone with Covid-19 symptoms, or with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19
If any boy is unable to attend School due to ill health, or for one of the reasons listed above, please notify the School of the reason for absence in the usual way (absence@hamptonschool.org.uk).
Sports Hall Rota
Please see the information below for Third Year activities in the Sports Hall for the remainder of the summer term.
Third Year Interform Quiz
It’s been a busy week for our quiz teams, with four closely fought matches taking place. 3A are the first team to book a place in the semi-finals. They will be joined by the other two group winners and the highest scoring runner up. So it’s still all to play for!
Star performers this week: Sam Govier (3A), Adam Gaunt (3G), Sam W (3E). Very strong team efforts by 3C and 3B.
Best wrong answer: what is the largest carnivore in the UK? Notting Hill
Take a look at the video below for some of this week’s quiz action:
Third Year Cross-Curricular MOrning
On Tuesday 15 June Third Year Hamptonians will be off timetable from periods 1 to 5, to participate in a Cross-Curricular Morning, with sessions looking at topics surrounding ‘Flags and Identity’ with the Geography, History and RS departments. You will be based in your form rooms for the morning, so should stay there after registration on Tuesday morning. You will be back in lessons from period 6 onwards, so please make sure you bring the necessary books/equipment for those lessons.
ARTS award
It’s been fantastic to see some of the projects you’ve created as part of your Arts Award. Take a look at Oliver’s Western-style animation and Isaac and Oli’s Lockdown Documentary below. Well done boys!
100 Days of Practice update!
A message from the Music department!
We hope you had a pleasant half term break.
We are now over 75 days into the ‘100 Days of Practice challenge’, so we would like to congratulate those who have got this far and are still participating. This is no easy feat at all, so a huge well done!
For those still participating, please make sure you upload your third progress video to the upload folder this week. This will be an invaluable, visual way of showcasing your progress throughout the challenge. The video should be related to the objectives you set yourself at the start of the challenge and can be as long or as short as you want.
Please upload your videos here: https://hamptonschoolorgmy.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/o_goodwin_hamptonschool_org_uk/Eq0ajOS1rH5Os53VJy-pDacBSFfvBIrkm9fWC5VSknSTLQ
(Please make sure your background is neutral or blurred for all videos uploaded)
Alternatively, please make sure you are filling out your practice planner each day until you have finished your challenge.
If you have completed your challenge, please remember to ask for sponsorship from friends/family. When asking for donations, please send them this link (Hampton School Just Giving page): Hampton School Form Charity – JustGiving
Keep an eye out on the Music Department Twitter page for written and video tips from some of Hampton’s visiting music teachers which will hopefully provide you with some extra motivation.
If you have any questions, please contact either Mr Goodwin (o.goodwin@hamptonschool.org.uk), Miss van Ments (e.vanments@hamptonschool.org.uk) or Miss Estall (j.estall@hamptonschool.org.uk) in the Music Department.
Happy practising!
U14 Cricket
The U14A Cricket side continued their excellent run of form this season with a victory in the National Cup competition over Norwich School on Thursday. Hampton batsman, Tom T reports:
Hampton lost the toss and Norwich batted first. Danny S and Ollie H opened the bowling and got us off to a flyer. After 12 overs Norwich were 18 for 5. After a good recovery from Norwich they made it to 59 all out. A superb fielding performance from Hampton. Hugo K and Anuj S opened the batting and there was a nervous start when Anuj fell for 0. Tom T came in and played the defensive game while Hugo attacked. A lovely 47 not out from Hugo saw the game out with Tom 6 not out. Onto the semi-finals vs Forest School next!
Some exciting fixtures against St Paul’s lie in store for the U14s this weekend, and it looks like they’ll be some fabulous weather! Play well, chaps!
J14 Rowing
The rowers are now busy preparing for our final match of the season against St George’s College on 26 June.
For the next couple of weeks we are focusing on getting the beginners up to speed before the race. We have been mixing in some of the experienced boys to help facilitate this and we are already seeing really encouraging progress.
All the beginners can now row with the whole crew with only limited numbers of mistakes, the next step is to sustain this under race pressure.
We are also continuing with developing in particular making the boys responsible for their steering, and we managed to have 14 boys in singles this week with no one falling in!
Team colours day!
Wear your team colours to School on Friday 18 June for Form Charity!
Form Charity wants you to show your true colours and wear something related to your favourite sport. Love Brentford? You could wear your Brentford strip, or wear something red and white. Prefer tennis? You could wear blue and white for everyone’s favourite Scot, Andy Murray, or yellow and red for Nadal. If chess is the sport for you, you could wear black and white. The possibilities are endless!
Get involved, have some fun, and make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to wear shorts for a good cause!
£2 will be added to your School fees, at your parents’ discretion. Speak to your Form Tutor for more details. All funds raised will go to our Four form charity partners: Water aid, ZSL London Zoo, FC Not Alone X C.A.L.M and Shooting Star Chase Children’s Hospice.