Welcome to the Third Year Blog
The end of another week, but what a week it’s been! The Third Years and the rest of the Hampton community are back where they belong, on site and in real, live lessons! To a man, the Third Years have been superb, embracing all the opportunities that being back in the classroom has given them this week – we’re really impressed, chaps, top effort! Of course, there have been many new things to get our heads around as well, including mask wearing in lessons and the delights of regular lateral flow testing. I strongly suspect that LFTs are not the highlight of the boys’ week but, needs must, and if it means we can all be together on site, enjoying our experiences together, I’m sure that everyone will put up with it for as long as is necessary.
There was plenty happening in Form time on Thursday this week, including lively debates on topical issues and a Year Group Council meeting, where representatives from each Form had the opportunity to raise any School-related items that are important to them and their peers. These opportunities for pupil’s voices to be heard provide an informative link between pupils and staff so that feedback can be outlined and changes for the better can occur. Boys put themselves forwards as representatives, and we always look forward to what they have to say.
Our 13+ joiners also got the chance to write a postcard to their Prep School Headmaster or Form teacher on Thursday, giving them an update on how things were going at Hampton, what they have been up to and any advice that they might give to potential 13+ joiners in years to come. We know your Prep Schools really appreciate receiving these, chaps, so it’s a lovely gesture on your part – well done!
So, what with the challenges of getting back into the school routine again, catching up with friends and regular LFTs to complete, you’d be forgiven for thinking that there isn’t much else to report on this week. Oh, how wrong you would be… read on for more!
Heads of Year Message
It has been wonderful to be back on site this week. Third Year Form Tutors have appreciated seeing their tutees in person again, and we have enjoyed watching the boys get reacquainted with their friends. On the whole, the boys have settled really well, whilst also following the guidelines for a safe return with good sense and community spirit. This included an impressively calm and orderly approach to LFD testing in School on Wednesday afternoon. This will be repeated (albeit starting with registration in the Lecture Theatre this time) on Monday. After Monday, it will be up to the boys (with support from parents) to self-administer LFD testing at regular intervals at home. Please follow the guidelines sent via SchoolPost from Mr Woods on Thursday 11 March, titled “Lateral Flow Device – arrangements for home testing”.
All boys should bring two important items home with them this weekend:
- 2 x boxes of LFD home testing kits.
- Teenage Booster Vaccinations – letter and consent form.
Please could parents contact their son’s Form Tutors if either of these items goes missing?
The School Nurses wrote to parents via SchoolPost on Thursday 11 March. Please can we ask that consent forms are completed and returned to Form Tutors by Tuesday 16 March?
Parents and boys may find it useful to re-read the letter from the Headmaster and accompanying Appendix to 8 March Re-opening arrangements Letter, that was emailed out on 2 March, over the weekend. A few key reminders:
- Boys must wear a face mask at all times when indoors and on School coaches (this is a change to the arrangements in place when we were last on site in the autumn term).
- Please observe the “Hands, Face, Space” guidelines.
- Dress code – this is full school uniform, except on Thursdays when Hampton Games kit should be worn. Bring an extra (warm & dry) layer to wear after Games afternoon.
- There will be further LFD testing on-site for Third Years from 1pm on Monday 15 March.
Co-curricular activities:
Boys should continue to listen for Form Tutors announcements, check their emails and the digital screens around school for information about co-curricular activities. Many are now back up and running in Year Group bubbles.
Most music lessons and rehearsals have recommenced in Year Group bubbles. Boys should visit the Garrick for full details.
Many team sports practices have recommenced during lunchtimes. Interform Football and Rugby matches will take place on Thursday afternoon. There is a full programme of sports practices for Third Years this weekend, as follows:
Saturday 13 March
8:45 – 10am U14ABCDEF Football and U14AB Rugby
1.30 – 3.00pm U14 Cricket
Sunday 14 March
12.50 – 3.30pm J14 Rowers at the Boathouse
Boys – well done for your impressive approach this week. Please keep it up until the end of term. As always, let us, your Form Tutors or the relevant subject teachers know if you are having any difficulties.
Best wishes
Miss Smith & Mr Rigby
Creative Writing Award finalists!
The 2021 Creative Writing Awards finalists have been announced, after some fantastic pieces were submitted from Third Years across every Form. Many congratulations to Avinash G, Joe M, Vishesh J, Daniel V and Thomas M, whose entries have been selected and sent to the competition judge, author Sara Grant, for review. The winners and runners-up will be announced at the beginning of next term and presented with book vouchers. All the finalists’ stories will be published in this summer’s edition of Lion Print, Hampton’s creative arts magazine. Brilliant work, boys!
Model United Nations
Miss Field reports on some fantastic MUN success for Sam G last weekend, at the Epsom College e-conference.
I am delighted to say that our boys really enjoyed their second virtual ‘e-MUN’ experience and debated with their usual confidence and skill!
Hampton represented the delegations of Iran, Syria, and the USA and discussed the usual exciting array of topics (including rights of free speech, access to online learning, the Hong Kong crisis and renewable energy).
There was also a crisis debate based around a fictional Middle East nuclear conflict.
Sam G (3A) was a highly commended delegate in the Disarmament and International Security Committee, also representing the USA.
All boys contributed with great enthusiasm and there was a usually a Hampton delegate speaking whenever I listened to a committee debate! They have fully adjusted to the online provision of MUN and we have two more conferences lined up in March and May.
Brilliant effort, Sam – that’s two very successful MUN conferences under your belt now!
British Science Week
It has been great to see you all back in the labs this week, enjoying practicals in Chemistry, Physics and Biology. How we’ve all missed them! This week is British Science Week, a celebration of all things science, technology, engineering and maths. 3A have been investigating cracking hydrocarbons and how long chain alkanes can undergo cracking to
produce short chain alkanes and alkenes. Fascinating chemistry boys! Take a look at how they got on below:
Drama Summer Show
Calling all aspiring actors! It’s time to audition for the much-anticipated Lower School Summer Show. This year’s production is The Terrible Infants – a collection of “deliciously dark” stories of naughty young people getting their just deserts. Third Year auditions will take place on Wednesday 17 March from 4 to 5.30pm. There’s nothing to prepare, just turn up at the Drama Hall in the Garrick on Tuesday. Hope to see lots of you there!
More information can be found in the poster below:
Ahoy There!
Our Third Year Dramatists have really enjoyed getting back into the drama studio with their classmates. Take a look at the soundscape they’ve started working on based on Treasure Island:
Fantasy Six Nations League
Don’t forget to get your teams submitted on time for this weekend’s round of Six Nations fixtures – the deadline is 2.15pm on Saturday – and if you haven’t signed up yet, what are you waiting for?? You can still score points for each round, even if you’ve missed the first few. More details below!
How do I register for the league?
Simply click on the link below, entering the password that has been sent to you via email. Note – you must register using your correct full name and anyone not doing so may be removed from the league and will not be eligible for points!
Joining the league is free and at no point will you need to upgrade or pay money for anything
What can I win?
Top ranked competitors from each week will receive merits, as well as earning important Inter-Form points for their Form! The top 3 overall at the end of the league will receive prizes, and many more Inter-Form points will be awarded for overall finishing position. Every entry could count so even if Rugby isn’t your thing, why not enter a team and see how you do anyway? It’s always good fun to get one over on your friend/Form Tutor/mentor!
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today!
Best of luck!
Sports and Inter-Form update
Football and Rugby training sessions are already back under way at School for the U14 boys, and there is the exciting news that Inter-Form competitions in both these sports will take place this Thursday afternoon during our usual Games session! Can 3B protect their lead in the table? Time will tell!
Mr Banerjee has the following notice to give on Cricket practice:
Cricket nets for all Third Year cricketers will be on Saturday afternoon from 1.30 to 3pm. The session will start on Saturday 13 March from 1.30pm to 3pm. All boys wishing to play School cricket this summer should attend. If you have any problems, please see Mr Trivedi, Mr Haynes or Mr Hooper.
Training dates – Saturday 13 and 20 March (1.30pm to 3pm)
Table Tennis, Badminton, Basketball and Volleyball are all set to return for Third Years a week on Monday/Tuesday, and there is Tennis practice and Golf nets on Thursday lunchtimes.
Lots to look forward to, I am sure you’ll agree!
Music co-curricular
A message from the Director of Music, Mr Roland:
The Music Department will be running lots of year group bubble clubs, ensembles and choirs over the next few weeks! Please come over to the Garrick or speak to your music teacher to find out more. Most of the activities will run at the same time as last term. Clubs include rock bands, jazz bands, electronic dance music, orchestras, choirs, brass groups and more!
We hope to see many of you over in the Garrick soon!
Food Bank
From Monday 15 March, we will be resuming our collections in support of Feltham Food Bank who are supporting families in Bedfont, Hanworth, Feltham and surrounding areas during these challenging times.
Thanks to the generosity of our School community, we collected more than 150 crates of food and toiletries last year. A fantastic contribution! So, have a look in your cupboards, add something to your shopping list and try and do your bit to help.
The Food Bank would be grateful for the following items:
- UHT milk
- Tins of soup
- Tins of tuna
- Tins of meat (such as mince or hotdogs)
- Tins of vegetables
- Baked beans
- Tins of fruit
- Tins of rice pudding
- Small packets of basmati rice
- Small packets of pasta
- Toiletries (such as shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste)
Thank you in advance for your kind and generous support which is very much appreciated!
Question of the week!
Big congratulations and merits awarded to Avinash G, Will Y, Sohan B, Tristan T, Umar K and Harman V who correctly answered the three Science questions from last week’s blog. The answers were Neon, Circulatory System and Willebrord Snellius.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone, and see you on Monday!
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