Welcome to the Third Year Blog!

Who’d have thought that this half term could go so quickly? It’s been a highly unusual one, but by this time next week our Third Year boys will have completed a fantastic 6 ½ weeks of the 2020/21 school year! I think a bit of a rest will probably be in order!

In this week’s virtual assembly, the Third Years were lucky enough to listen to Will Browne OH (2007) about his career in statistics, starting from not particularly liking Maths whilst at Hampton! Will gave a thought-provoking talk on the statistics around Covid-19 and encouraged the boys to consider them at more than just face value – could they be misleading? The Headmaster followed on from Will’s talk to encourage proportion and perspective in the School response to the pandemic and to avoid ill-informed conjecture. There is no doubt that the Third Year boys have responded to recent events in a calm and measured way and we are proud of each and every one of them for doing so. Keep it up, boys!

We are pleased to share with you an impressive piece of writing by one of our Third Year pupils, Josh K (3F):

Black Lives Matter is something which almost everyone reading this would have heard of. However, I thought it was an important issue at the moment which I should address. Black Lives Matter is a campaign started by a group of people who see and receive some of the racism which is happening in the World and want to change this. This campaign started in 2013 but black lives have been discriminated against for thousands of years. When a man named George Floyd who was a black man in America was choked to death by a white police officer the campaign was reinvigorated. Many cries of help came out of George Floyd’s mouth, but the police officer did not stop leaning on his neck. When this horrendous news came out to the public, people started to realise that this action was not justified. George Floyd had been treated unfairly. Many people have begun to see and research other similar incidents where a black person has been treated wrongly because of their skin colour and there are many other cases. Recently, petitions and protests have began, so that people can publicly make their opinions heard. Something which I have heard a lot on social media and just in normal life is people who have said “All lives matter”. Now I agree one hundred percent with this statement but at this point in time black people are those who are being discriminated for their skin colour. Saying all lives matter is like going to a cancer convention to raise money for cancer and then saying there are other illnesses too. Saying all lives matter is like saying you would spray water on a neighbouring house which isn’t on fire, when the house next door is burning because all houses matter. Black lives are the people who are being killed and injured because of their race. Now, I am not saying that white people are not killed and injured because of their race, but at this moment in time black lives are the ones we need to protect. Personally, I believe that black lives should be looked at more in the school system in lots of different subjects. So I will leave you with this message, if you want to help then donate to a charity which supports Black Lives Matter and research on the subject because these are the best things you can do. Don’t just put a black screen on your social media just because you want to follow the trend. Research, speak out like I am doing and finally donate. Everyone can make a difference even you!

As many of you will know, issues arising from the horrific and senseless death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests were openly and intelligently discussed by Hamptonians and their teachers in lessons last term and we are very much looking forward to hearing more of the boys’ views on these complex and nuanced issues. In Monday’s PSHE session, your sons are going to have the opportunity to discuss further questions about attitudes to race, social justice, diversity and equality as we continue to conduct an extended listening process on these important matters with our School community. The publication of this piece is, therefore, particularly timely both within Black History Month and with regard to what is taking place in PSHE next week.

Heads of Year Message

Well done to all Third Year boys for keeping going during this long, busy and unusual half term. Hopefully, by now, all Third Year pupils (whether 13+ joiners or former Second Year pupils) are settling well into their new form groups and routines. If this is not the case, please do speak to or contact your Form Tutor(s) in the first instance as they will be keen to address any unresolved issues or difficulties.

One notice from us this week:

Please can all boys note that they must attend School in their Hampton Games Kit on Thursdays. It is not acceptable to wear any other sports attire in Third Year.

Enjoy the weekend!

Mr T Rigby & Miss V Smith

Junior Ski Trip

The Junior Ski Trip to Alpe d’Huez is still hoping to go ahead in December and there are places still available. Whilst personally I would be more interested in scaling the slopes of the famous French Alp on my trusty road bike (Who are you kidding? – Ed), I am told that the trip is a very popular one for Second and Third Years and departs on 12 December, returning on 19 December. If boys are interested, their parents will need to contact Mr Clarke ASAP.

3G Bake Off competition!

I made the mistake of asking Miss Busby for an update on the 3G Bake Off competition before this week’s episode had even aired…

I CANNOT BELIEVE you would ask us this before the Tuesday eve broadcast – it’s like you don’t even watch it!! Rowan went home in the programme last night, which is sad news for his team, Anuj and Chris. However, there has been a brilliant lot of baking going on (see below), especially by Chris, which has gained his team important points! Tom’s banana bread looks brilliant, even though he revealed to us that it turned out to be raw inside…Mr Saunders and I are very pleased with how the boys are getting into it all.

Joke competition

We could all do with a bit of a laugh right now! So, your challenge this week is to send your favourite joke (keep them clean!) to j.neville@hamptonschool.org.uk and we will pick the best ones to feature in next week’s blog.

To get you going, here’s my favourite Chemistry-themed joke:

16 sodium atoms walk into a bar, followed by Batman.

Get it?

(Isn’t there supposed to be a punchline? – Ed)

U14 Sports News

Our U14A footballers enjoyed a competitive match against Royal Russell School last weekend. They went in to half time with a narrow lead of 1-0 after a penalty from Nic W-H, with Michael A having some good touches in midfield. Unfortunately, the U14A team were unable to keep up their momentum in the second half with a final scoreline of 3-1.

World Mental Health Day

This year’s World Mental Health Day is tomorrow, Saturday 10 October. It comes at a time of considerable challenges for many people and during a period when all of us have seen our daily lives change considerably as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. To mark WMH Day 2020, Hampton School’s Lead Counsellor, Mr Uccelli, has recorded a short message to remind us all to think about how we can support both ourselves and those around us.

Question of the week

62% of you correctly guessed that the School Mulberry tree was moved to its current position in the Cloisters approximately 80 years ago. Here it is back in 1939!

Have a great weekend!


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