Welcome to the First Year Blog!

This week sees our First Years return to their new normal, taking part in their Teams sessions again and following their normal timetable. Well done to everyone last week for completing their assessments in such strange conditions, we are all very proud of you. Next week the boys have an exciting Tuesday morning “off timetable” to nurture their creative skills (see the Firefly task for instructions), we look forward to hearing all about this on Wednesday morning!


It was World Oceans Day on Monday 8 June and we have made great strides in recent years, particularly since the airing of Blue Planet 2, in treating our oceans with more respect, eating sustainable sourced fish, recycling and reducing plastic use. Although we are in an unusual situation with the pandemic, we need to remember to continue to try to be as sustainable as possible and still try to reduce our plastic consumption. What do you do to continue to reduce your plastic intake?

1557 Challenge

Are you looking for more to do in lockdown?  Have you been asking yourself, “How can I have some fun AND raise money for charity?” Well, Form Charity have got just the thing….  The 1557 challenge!

We want you to take the number 1557, chosen because it was the year Hampton School was founded, and interpret it however you want to raise money for our four Form Charity partners:

  • Mary’s Meals
  • Make a wish Foundation
  • Momentum
  • Off the Record Twickenham

You could build a lego tower using 1557 bricks, or see how long it takes you to do 1557 keepy uppys.  You could even write a song in just 15 minutes and 57 seconds and then perform it to your granny on a zoom call – the possibilities are endless.  No food wastage though – so if you were planning on eating 1557 skittles, think again!

Charities are really struggling during lockdown, and need our help more than ever, so your participation could really make a difference to someone’s life.

Go on – have a go and make a difference!


The boys have been busying themselves completing their Biology challenge this week following on from World Environment Day last Friday, here are some of the things they have got up to:


This week’s challenge, set by our First Year Tutor Team was for our First Years to get acrobatic and take a photograph of them doing their best gymnast impression! Take a look at some of these impressive skills from Tim E, Alex R, Ollie S, Arun B and Ed R!


Mr Barber has set up his own remote workstation. Here are his top three tips for a successful working from home routine:

  • a boring one (organisation)—I’ve had to organise my time and workspace very carefully, coming up with systems that work well for me (e.g. keeping my computer desktop tidy, folderised and in order), and adapting as necessary when things go south. Admittedly, this has been tough at times, but I think that I’ll be coming out of this as a more productive person (hopefully, anyway!)
  • a more fun one (taking time out)—I’ve got much better at distancing my work from my homelife. It’s too easy being at home to work all the time (evenings, weekends etc), so taking time out to cook, walk, run, cycle, practice my bass, play on my Nintendo Switch, play games online with friends, watch online gigs, listen to the birds in the garden and the swish of the trees in the wind has helped keep me working more effectively.
  • and ultimately (not taking things too seriously)—it’s way too easy to get stressed out. I’ve therefore been letting trivial things go, prioritising friends and family and personal health over things outside my control. I’ve always loved Stoicism (an awesome ancient philosophy), and find that it makes me more mindful when judging what things I can and can’t affect. We may not be able to change the world to the exact way we want it to be, but we can change how we perceive, deal, and interact with it. In addition, it’s when we’re put under the most pressure that we often find out just how strong we can be.


1J have sent in some questions to ask Mr Barber this week:

What your favourite video game? The Legend of Zelda (probably the Windwaker, though honourable mentions are due for BoTW and Skyward Sword—controversial, I know!)

Sir, are you related to Caecilius? Of course, we go way back!

What is your favourite sport? To play (was rugby, but a back injury put paid to that; I like to swim now, if that counts), to watch (football, cricket, snooker and darts).

Who is your favourite Philosopher? Great question, probably Plato—way ahead of his time, and an awesome thinker and beautiful writer.

Are you guilty of stockpiling? maybe a little—just books, games and bass-related paraphernalia.

The Comedy of Errors

Coming soon… look out for next week’s exciting premiere of the Lower School podcast of Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors! It promises to be a hilarious production from our dramatists.


Scott the mystery window cleaner in Great Yarmouth has been secretly cleaning windows of local businesses free of charge to help in any way he can! It is estimated he has saved local firms a total of £8,000 for the work he has done! Keep looking out for the small acts of kindness people are doing in lockdown!


A few questions for you to have a go at yourself or challenge people at home if they know the answer. Merits are awarded for everyone who has a go! Just click on the link below and enter your answers.

  1. Name a substance that can go through the transition of sublimation?
  2. Name one of the founding fathers of America?
  3. Name one of the three theatres that are part of the National Theatre?
  4. In which century was the symbol for infinity introduced?
  5. Name the artist of the following painting?

Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here

Well done to Jian G, Yuchen Y, Falak S and Oliver D for their answers last week, almost all correct! Remember to write your name in the form so you can be credited with merits! Merits will be added to our remote merit log and if you have space add a merit in your old diaries!


  1. What is the only line Legolas says directly to Frodo in the film Trilogy of the Lord of the Rings? And my bow
  2. The following is the famous opening line to which book? “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” Pride and Prejudice
  3. In which country is fermented shark a delicacy? Iceland
  4. Which country is shown in the outline below? Finland

5. How can you tell an alligator from a crocodile? The shape of the snout

Have a great weekend!

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