It has been back to School as normal this week after a big week of exams last week. The First Year boys have begun to get their results back and seem to have been working hard in lessons as they go through their exam papers and reflect on their successes and areas for improvement.

Beyond the classroom, it has been a relatively quiet week but the boys did get to enjoy a fantastic Shakespeare workshop with The Orange Tree Theatre. They explored the story of The Merchant of Venice through a variety of acting techniques including improvisation and character studies and, all in all, had a great time taking part! The week will finish with some exciting cricket fixtures against St Paul’s and then the boys have a busy few weeks to look forward to. There will be the Physics trip to Winchester Science Centre and English trip to the Orange Tree Theatre next week, then a Biology trip to Marwell Zoo the week after. It’s all go!

So we have a busy few weeks ahead of us and only a few weeks left as First Years. The boys have been giving some great presentations in PSHE this week, with a number of them choosing to reflect on an aspect of their first year at Hampton. They have clearly learnt an awful lot this year, that is for certain. All that we ask now is that the boys really enjoy their last few weeks of First Year, whilst ensuring they continue to work hard and maintain good standards of behaviour. Here’s to an exciting last few weeks of term!

Miss G. Russell

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