Welcome to the Third Year Blog!

Can you believe it? I didn’t get a single photo of a houseplant… not one! When I set homework, I expect you lot to take it seriously!

Ahem… yes, anyway… Welcome to this week’s blog everyone! We’re all massively impressed with the Third Year boys’ resilience, adaptability and all-round brilliant effort in their first full week back at e-Hampton. We know it’s not easy or straightforward, but the switch to home learning has been seamless for so many of you and it feels like we could throw anything at you now and watch you handle it with aplomb! Well done everyone and keep it up!

It’s been great to catch up with the boys in some small group chats this week during Form Time. Form Tutors have enjoyed listening to tales of what the boys have been up to recently and how they’ve been keeping fit and active. We’ve even seen some special guests make an appearance in the chats, in the form of much-loved pet cats and dogs! We love to see them!

Heads of Year Message

Thank you to all boys and parents for taking the time to consider your GCSE subject options and submitting the (newly online) form to confirm your choices this week.

We recognise that some of these decisions are very difficult and you might change your mind over the remainder of this school year. Whilst we would urge boys not to make such decisions lightly, and only ever after having discussed it with parents, Form Tutors and the relevant subject teachers, it is possible to request an alteration to your GCSE options, and such requests can usually be accommodated. Any request to alter GCSE options must be made by parents in writing to Mr McBay (a.mcbay@hamptonschool.org.uk), copying in Form Tutors and Heads of Year.

We hope that many of you will participate in the Lockdown Challenge (see below) each week as this will give everyone an opportunity to develop skills, help your family, stay active, serve the local community, and stay connected with each other.

We would also encourage you all to complete the PE & Sports challenges each week, to ensure that you are getting your regular dose of fresh air and exercise.

We continue to be impressed with the way that all Third Years have adapted quickly to the Guided Home Learning environment at e-Hampton. Please keep these efforts up as the term progresses and let us or your Form Tutors know if you are having any difficulties.

Best wishes

Miss V Smith & Mr T Rigby

PE & Sports

Don’t forget your ongoing PE task for the next few weeks, boys! It’s a great way to keep active and stay healthy.

You should be looking to complete a minimum of four activities from the grid below. Why not try and perform the tasks with others from your household or friends virtually?

Two week challenge

Perhaps you could do one of the following:

  • try an online yoga session with your family
  • complete two Joe Wicks PE workouts
  • get out in the fresh air and compete a 3k run or walk


Our rugby players have been set a four week ‘Lion Lockdown Challenge’ that has tasks that can be completed to earn points towards a leaderboard. The tasks are split into four categories physical, skilful, tactical and mindful. Take a look below to find out more:

2021 Lockdown Challenge 1

Here we go then, the first Lockdown Challenge of the new year is upon us! It’s an easy one to get you started, and one that you can get your teeth into this weekend!

Cook a meal or dish for you and your family!

That’s right, it’s only a bit of cooking, or maybe just help your parents with the cooking. Send a photo of you at work to j.neville@hamptonschool.org.uk in order to win some merits and an edible prize!!

Note – edible prize will have to be claimed when we’re back in School!

So what are you waiting for? Get in those kitchens and start cooking! Make sure you get permission first though, and be careful around those ovens!

As a bit of inspiration, here’s Teo M hard at work in the kitchen over Christmas making some bread – nice one, Teo!


This week the Music department have kicked off a music composition competition – details below and on Firefly. Entries are due in by 22 January, so if you’re feeling creative, get composing!


Massive congratulations to Vaibhav N and Ryan M who have both completed the Inspiring Digital Enterprise Bronze and Silver Awards recently.

The IDEA is an international award-winning programme that helps you develop digital, enterprise and employability skills for free. Through a series of online challenges, you can win career-enhancing badges, unlock new opportunities and, ultimately, gain industry-recognised Awards that help you stand out from the crowd.

Vaibhav has also completed his Grade 3 Keyboard certification with Merit.

Well done, chaps!

HELP Project Level 2

The Hampton Extended Learning Project (HELP) is still open for applications from Third Years! HELP is an initiative intended to provide an opportunity for you to extend your learning in a subject area of your choice. You will have the chance to produce an extended project which will improve your organisation, research and analytical skills.

You could develop your passion for Art, Music, Coding, Astronomy, Meteorology, Medicine, History, Technology, Wildlife, a Book, an Author, an Influential Person… or anything else that sparks your interest!

Academic scholars are expected to complete a HELP project. If you are interested, please contact Mr Wilkinson with your proposal a.wilkinson@hamptonschool.org.uk

More information, along with examples of past HELP projects can be found on Firefly here

Have a great weekend!

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