The following boys were summoned to the Head Master’s office at breaktime today:

Alex Riley

Firas Khalil

Lucas Gibbard

Dominic Nunn
Lucas Copplestone
Stathis Kalathias

Himanish Joshi
Thomas Lee
Mark Gilmour

Ethan Scott
Oliver Heyes
Jack Madelin
Thomas Bark

Charlie Key

Sam Spence
Edward Allen

The reason for their attendance was good news!  Mr Knibbs was very pleased to award certificates to the boys for their “highly commended” art work which was entered for the war art competition “Never Such Innocence”.

Miss Millar would like to express her gratitude to Rallie Bhatia (3E)and William Mason (3H) who did a fantastic job speaking at the New Boys’ Evening this week.  The boys shared their experiences of their first year at Hampton with the Prep School boys joining us in September. The boys spoke clearly and confidently and their thoughts were very well received by the audience.  Well done!

Robert Morey reports that he, Tom Hare, Armaan Mittal and Sean Cruice (all in 3A) enjoyed the summer time ball.  Apparently “Years and years slayed”!

In rowing, well done to Paul Carden’s (3A) B quad who won their race at the Star Regatta in Bedford on Saturday.  This is all the more impressive as it was achieved despite capsizing!

In athletics news, well done to Freddy Hodgson (3A) who won the 800m race at the Richmond schools competition on Wednesday. In follow up to the Inter form Athletics, congratulations to the winning form, 3F!  Full results are available below:

Third Year Inter-Form Athletics Results

In other news…the winners of the Third Year prizegiving awards were announced this week. Many congratulations to this year’s recipients:

Third Year Prizegiving 2015-2016


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