ChairA H Munday LLB KC

Vice ChairMrs E M L Cremin BA (Hons)
Chair Finance CommitteeS A Bull BSc ACA
Chair Development & General Purposes CommitteeR G Alexander MA (Oxon) OH (1989)
Chair Remuneration & Governors' Selection CommitteeA H Munday LLB KC
Chair Hampton Pre-Prep & Prep CommitteeMrs E M L Cremin BA (Hons)
GovernorsO J C Boardman OH
C M C Chataway BA MA
M J Grieveson BA (Hons) FRICS
R J Harris MA (Cantab) KC FRSA
Rev'd B R Lovell BENG (Hons) BA (Hons) MA
Mrs R Mercer BA (Hons) PGCE
N S Morse LLM LLB (Hons) OH (1992)
D N Rey BA (Hons) OH (1988)
C P Walsh BSc FCA CFA OH (1996)
L H Welch BArch (Hons), RIBA, RIAS
Ms A Yandle MA (Oxon)
Clerk to the GovernorsM A King BSc (Bursar)

Letters to the Chair of Governors should be sent via the Clerk to the Governors.

Chairman of Governors
c/o The Clerk to the Governors
Hampton School
Hanworth Road
Middlesex TW12 3HD