Book your place on our Visitor Events:


Visiting Hampton is an important step in deciding whether it is the right school for your son.  We run a full programme of visitor events throughout the year and would be delighted to meet you!

visitor events

There is no better way of experiencing life at Hampton than spending time with our boys and staff and we are delighted to offer a full programme of visitor events throughout the year.

Our visitor events begin with a talk from the Headmaster and other senior members of staff, followed by a Q&A session with a panel of current Hamptonians. Visitors will then have the opportunity to enjoy a pupil-led tour of the School, after which they can meet and chat informally with staff and boys over refreshments.

There will be a Sixth Form Visitor Event in the Autumn Term, details of which will be available in the Summer.


Wednesday 12 March 9.30am – 11.15am
Tuesday 29 April 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Tuesday 13 May 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Wednesday 18 June 9.30am – 11.15am

Book now:


Keep in touch

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