It has been lovely to see the boys return for their final term of First Year (already!) This half term brings many exciting things for everyone to try, with Summer Sports options beginning last week. Some of our cricketers have already represented the School for the first time, with a very successful fixture against Merchant Taylors’ School, and our Basketball, Tennis and Swimming teams are in action this week. The end of half term also brings summer assessments, and the boys have spent some time discussing these and talking about ways to effectively revise for their different subjects. It is worth repeating that the boys should not be worried about these assessments, they are simply an opportunity to check their learning and progress.


Summer term also brings a change in Games options for the First Year boys; Josh M-J (1J) and Rufus L (1J) tell us a little more about what’s on offer:

What options for Summer sports are there?

You have an option out of four sports: cricket, tennis, athletics and rock climbing.

What sport did you do before and what sport do you do now?

Before I played football and now I play cricket.

How did the cricket staff handle the change of sports?

There was an opportunity to play winter nets on Saturdays at school and also a session on Wednesday to decide the teams. I found these sessions very useful as it helped me and many others improve at cricket while also being very fun.

Do you have training and fixtures during the week?

We do cricket training at lunchtimes on Mondays and after school on Wednesdays and in games on Friday. During games, we do the Hampton premier league in which all boys in the B, C and D team take part. It is a competition designed to allow all boys to partake in fun yet competitive cricket matches. Also, we had a fixture last Saturday for the A, B and C team in which we won all the fixtures.


A final reminder to submit your Project EXPLORE entries by next Tuesday (3rd May). We’ve had lots of entries, and it’s been great to see such a great range of places that you’ve visited for inspiration!


Each week, Tutors in the First Year team nominate a boy who they have been particularly impressed with and Mr Hill and Mrs Peattie will provide the boy with a football to use on the 3G for the week!

This week’s Tutee of the Week is Jamie R (1B). Jamie’s positive attitude and kindness to others has really impressed his teachers. Well done, Jamie!


We love to hear about what you have been getting up to outside of school. Please do send any information about any of your achievements through to Mrs Ziegler (h.ziegler@hamptonschool.org.uk).


Well done to everyone who entered last week’s quiz! Merits go to:

1J: Alex L

1W: Leonardo F, Abhideep S, James P

1L: Olly P, Haadi H

1F: Siddharth S, Ishaan A

Take a look at this week’s questions – have a go yourself or challenge people at home and see if they know the answer.

  1. Which of the following is not a blood group – AB, O or T?
  2. Who has been appointed this week as captain of the England cricket team?
  3. The House of Lancaster kings were all called by what name?
  4. Alfred Pennyworth is the butler to which superhero?
  5. The south of which continent is closest to the Falkland Islands?

Merits are awarded for everyone who has a go! Just click on the link below and enter your answers; points for the Interform Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries every week.

Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Remember to write your name in the form so you can be credited with merits!

Take a look at next week’s blog to find out the answers and here are the answers to last week’s 5 questions:

  1. It used to be called quicksilver — by what name is this element now known? Mercury
  2. In what year did Edward VIII abdicate? 1936
  3. In Which Nigel was the first to win both F1 and Indy Car world championships? Mansell
  4. Which sea separates Europe and Africa? Mediterranean
  5. What was the name of the character in Harry Potter played by Shirley Henderson? Moaning Myrtle


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