Welcome to the First Year Blog!

Welcome back to the boys for their final half term of First Year! We hope that the boys have had a relaxing and refreshing break. This week, the boys have been developing their debating skills (and vocal chords!) in their Oracy sessions during PSHE; they were able to put this to the test in discussing ideas to take to the Nutrition Council, and the subject of food naturally brought much debate! In their free time, the boys have been enjoying the glorious weather outdoors, which looks set to continue; remember to drink lots of water and bring suncream if you are going outside for a while!


Lots of clubs are up and running now; watch this space for more clubs and sports training as they open!

Monday Library day – lunchtime

Clarinet Ensemble – P3 (Rm. 35)

School Choir – P3 (Music Hall)

Biology Club – 12:40 (B4)

Book Group – 1:15 (Library)

Cricket training – 12:40 (field)


Tuesday Chamber Choir – 8:15 (Music Hall)

Goalkeeping -12:40 (field)

Athletics (Sprints) – 12:40 (field)

Board games – 12:40 (field)


Wednesday Physics Club – 12:40 (P1)

Tennis training – 12:40 (Front Courts)

Athletics (throws/jumps) – 12:40 (field)


Thursday Philosophy Circle – 1:15 (Rm. 21)

Golf – 1:05 (golf nets)

Athletics (hurdles) – 1:05 (field)


Friday Tennis training – 1:05 (Front Courts)

Basketball Club – 1:05 (Sports Hall)

Chess – 4-5:30 (Rm. 25)


Coasteering Adventure

At the end of last half term, 20 intrepid First Years headed off for a three day Coasteering Trip to Dorset. Lucas S-T (1P) reports on an exciting few days!

School wasn’t over just yet for some Hamptonians during the half term as they went on a school trip to Dorset! It first began when they had to do their Geography assessment early and before they knew it they were on a mini bus or people carrier heading straight to Dorset. The trip there was a very nice one, being able to read, play games, listen to music and talk with friends. After two hours, we arrived at a service station where many of the boys had to time to buy McDonalds, bags full of sweets and fizzy drinks. It was a break from the usual healthy eating.

After that, we were back on the journey and we soon arrived to our destination. Once we made it there, we had a briefing and then dinner and we then made our beds. Next, we went on a walk through a field full of cows which just had calves! We had to be extra quiet and after a lot of disapproving looks from the mother cows we made it to a hill with a stunning view. It was time for bedtime but before we had hot chocolate! The next day, we did lots of really fun activities like rock climbing which involved abseiling, we did canoeing where the boys were put into different boats and ended with a big race! We later on did a murder mystery and a campfire. Then it was back to bed again.

The next day, the boys had option of a tour of Corfe castle or a mud trail. Some went to Corfe Castle and others went to the mud trail. Corfe Castle was a great and fascinating tour and the mud trail was really fun with slides into pools of mud, having to hang on ropes above a stream, crawling through mud and Tarzan roping into mud! Sorry parents! After this, we set off back home in the mini bus. All the boys were tired but they really enjoyed themselves at the end of the day!

Take a look at what they got up to in the video below:

Mandarin Taster session

Some of our First Year Hamptonians tried their hand at Mandarin this week, as they had their first taster session with Miss Zhang. The boys discovered that numbers are a great place to start when learning Mandarin and learnt how to form numbers from 1 to 99.

Gabriel (1H) told everyone about his experience of living in Singapore before he joined Hamapton….in Mandarin! Well done Gabriel.

Team colours day!

Wear your team colours to School on Friday 18 June for Form Charity!

Form Charity wants you to show your true colours and wear something related to your favourite sport. Love Brentford? You could wear your Brentford strip, or wear something red and white. Prefer tennis? You could wear blue and white for everyone’s favourite Scot, Andy Murray, or yellow and red for Nadal. If chess is the sport for you, you could wear black and white.  The possibilities are endless!

Get involved, have some fun, and make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to wear shorts for a good cause!

£2 will be added to your School fees, at your parents’ discretion. Speak to your Form Tutor for more details. All funds raised will go to our Four form charity partners: Water aid, ZSL London Zoo, FC Not Alone X C.A.L.M and Shooting Star Chase Children’s Hospice.



We love to hear about what you have been getting up to outside of school. Please do send any information about any of your achievements through to Mrs Ziegler (h.ziegler@hamptonschool.org.uk).


A few questions for you to have a go at yourself or challenge people at home if they know the answer. Merits are awarded for everyone who has a go! Just click on the link below and enter your answers and points or the Inter-Form Competition will be awarded to the form with the most entries every week.

  1. Which 2019 film won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Film this year?
  2. Which famous British physicist wrote A Brief History of Time?
  3. Who were the other two astronauts with Neil Armstrong on the Apollo 11 mission?
  4. How many teeth does an adult human have?
  5. What is the capital of Canada?

Why don’t you have a go and enter your answers here. 

Remember to write your name in the form so you can be credited with merits!

We had 19 entries for the five questions last week, 1J are in the lead this week with nine submissions! Wow, well done boys, nearly the entire form! Can we beat this next week? Well done to the following boys (make sure to add your merits in the back of your homework diaries and to collect your merit certificates when you reach 10!):

1B: Joshua C, Adam M, Boris D

1H: Alessandro C

1W: Oliver A

1L: Aadu K, Agakyan S

1J: Yuvraj S, Casper S, Ameya M, Aarush J, Daniel T, Dylan M, Ben B, Ralph C, Joshua R

1P: Arie B

1F: Jasper E, Charlie H

And here are the answers to last week’s 5 questions:

  1. Which English king died in 1066, leaving no heir to the throne? Edward the Confessor
  2. What colour balls are worth one point in a game of snooker? Red
  3. Who won the Global Icon award at the Brit Awards this year? Taylor Swift
  4. Which gas forms the highest percentages of the Earth’s atmosphere? Nitrogen
  5. Which country in the world is believed to have the most miles of motorway? China

Have a great weekend!


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