Welcome to the Third Year Blog!
The Third Years had two PSHE sessions with their Form Tutors this week. On Monday and Thursday we continued to work through the “Sex and Relationships” topic with the Third Years. On Thursday evening we welcomed Third Year parents to School for the “Study Skills” evening, where we heard talks from Dr Yates, Mr Neville and the School Counsellors on how we can help and support the boys with their own learning and revision.
Here are some other highlights from the week:
Third Year Special Mentions
Well done to the following Third Years for helping out at a Prep School Latin vocab quiz that took place on Tuesday:
Zain S, Matthew B, Aaran T, Marcus O, Daniel S, Caleb W, Thomas F, Thomas Y, Maneesh P and Jose BL
Well done to the Third Year pupils who attended auditions for the Lower School Production of The Comedy of Errors this Thursday 12 March.
Creative Writing Masterclass
The annual Creative Writing Awards finalists’ masterclasses take place next Thursday 19th March. An author (Sara Grant) is coming in to work with the finalists on their creative writing; she will also award prizes to two of the writers in each age group.
Well done to the following Third Years for being invited to this masterclass:
Josh F, Marcus O, Vishal S and Abhishekdev R
Science Fair
The Science Fair is an opportunity for boys in the First, Second and Third Year to extend their interest in the sciences. Competitors have been individually or in teams working on a science project of their choice, and they will be presenting their experiment and/or their findings to the judges and their peers at the Science Fair during lunchtime on Tuesday 17 March. Boys will have produced an exhibit, display or other presentation of the work they have done. They will also speak to the judges about their work in a 3 to 5 minute presentation, and will be responding to any questions put to them by the judges or their peers. Any boy that is yet to make a start on his project should do so as soon as possible. If they need any equipment, they should come to see Mr Cook in the Physics office. This is going to be a great event, and I hope to see lots of you there supporting those presenting and exploring the many projects being showcased!
Don’t forget to wash your hands
One of the Hampton nurses has recorded a very important video telling us all why we need to wash our hands and the best way to do it. Take a look here:
Junior Model UNited nations conference on Saturday 25 April
This conference is aimed at absolute beginners or pupils with very limited MUN debating experience.
If there are any boys who do not attend our weekly MUN club but would like to try MUN for the first time, ask your tutors to email your names to Miss Field or go see Miss Field in the Politics office this week.
Spring Concert 19 March
You are warmly invited to our Spring Concert, which takes place on 19 March at 7.00pm in the Hammond Theatre. We will be joined by our partner orchestra from Konstanz so it should be a very special occasion! The ensembles included are Brass Band, Sinfonia, Concert Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra (along with Konstanz Orchestra).
Tickets can be booked here Spring concert
Form Charity
Hampton School supports four charity partners each year, all chosen the pupils. Before the Easter holidays, we’ll be running a Movie Lunchtime, as chosen by you! So have a think, click on the link and bring along your £1!
Have a great weekend!
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